Chapter 30 Couple's fight

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And voila! Chapter 30 is out! Thank you so much YesmarieVizcarrondo for your comments! Chapter 30 actually came out a lot sooner than expected. But please, don't stop commenting! I enjoy all of your comments! They are the foundation to build up an author's inspiration! Anyway, Enjoy!

Jax's POV

"Uhm...who are you?"

I let go.

"You-you don't remember me?"

I was starting to panic.

I turned around and saw we were alone.

"Scarlett, I'm your mate! Jax! Can't you remember?!" I asked frantically.

"I-I'm sorry. But why were you hugging me?"


I stood up and backed away.

She looked down.

I took many deep breaths and left quietly.

I looked around.

Where were the doctors?

I went down and saw Amelia eyeing at me.


"Did you talk to Scarlett?"

"She..she can't remember me. What happened?"

"I c-can't tell you that." She mumbled.

And she quickly scurried off.

Scarlett's POV

Man! That was so fun!

I mean, did you see his face when he thinks I can't remember him?!

Priceless! Haha!

Amelia came bursting inside my room.

"Woah woah. Chill down girl!"

She closed the door and seconds later, she burst out with laughter.

I watched her laugh so hard I too, laughed.

After she calmed down.

"Okay okay. I'm calm."

"Good! Now, what happened?"

"Jax just gave me the sad face when he said you can't remember him!"


"Ok ok. But tell me again, why you are faking 'amnesia'?

"Well for one, it's funny. And two, I just wanna see how far Jax will go for me. I also wanna see how much he loves me. Take it as a, test."

"Oooooo. What are you planning?"

"Now now, that's a secret. But if you listen to our conversation, you might cry. "

"Scarlett, you are one evil wolf."

"What can I say, I'm born with this gift."

She chuckled.

Jax's POV

I was heartbroken.

I felt hopeless.

I felt useless.

I laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

What was our life gonna be like now?

What if she doesn't remember me forever?

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