Chapter XIII

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.Age 16. Part 2

Our stay at frankenmuth was over and it was time to go home. We all woke up at 10am and left the hotel by checkout which was at 11am. The drive home was quiet as Kyle and I slept and Aunt Jenna drove home. I was going back to my Dads after dropping Kyle off at his house.
When I woke up we were in Kyle's driveway dropping him off. He thanked me for inviting him and got his bag out of the trunk. With a quick goodbye he went inside his house and Aunt Jenna started driving to my Dads.

"Did you have fun?" She asked.

"Yeah I am just really tired." I replied trying to keep my eyes open.

I was tossing and turning all night last night. I had never noticed how much of a snorer Kyle was. It was loud, so loud I could barely sleep.

"I am glad Kyle came, it looked like he had a good time." She said.

"I think he did too. I am glad he came." I replied .

Honestly he kinda needed to get away. His family was going through some things and I didn't wanna pry and dig at him for information.

My Aunt pulled into my Dads driveway. I gave her a kiss and grabbed my bags thanking her for taking us both home.

When I walked in I was greeted by my Grandma wanting to know how the trip was. I told her it was fun but I was tired.

"Why don't you go take a nap and I will wake you when dinner is done. Your Dad is next door with Cat and Dusk." She smiled giving me another hug.

I nodded and headed off to my room. I didn't even bother unpacking. I plugged in my Samsung galaxy s3 and layed down drifting into sleep. Hopefully I can get a good few hours. I don't know what it was but ever since I woke up I have felt weird. Like there was a weight on my heart. A strange feeling I couldn't explain. I just hoped I wasn't coming down with anything.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked over and grabbed the loud device. A text from Kyle.

*hey what's up. Doing anything today?*

What does he mean today It's like 8pm.

I looked at my clock on my phone and it read 11am. I had slept all through the night. My Grandma was supposed to wake me up but I guess she just wanted me to sleep.

Another text from him dinged into my inbox.

*I have something I want to show you but you gotta come to my place lol. Be ready in a hour?*

*sure what is it?* I responded.

*you'll see c u soon :)*

I got out of bed and walked into the living room only to find the house empty.

"Hello?" I yelled.

No answer. They both must be at work. Which is fine they won't care if I step out for a few. It's only Kyle. We all see him as part of the family anyway. Within minutes I had gotten dressed and put clean clothes on. A pair of black Jean's to go with my black long sleeve shirt that hung off my shoulder.

A horn sounds through my house. Who could that be its only....Noon? I check my phone not believing that a hour had already gone by.

*let's go lol* he sends my phone.

I walked outside and greet him. I climbed into his car and it seems like only seconds pass until we are outside his house. Nothing about today has been normal.

"So what is it that you wanted to show me?" I asked him.

He looked very awake and very nervous for some reason. He was wearing a blue t shirt and matching deep blue jeans.

"I can't show you yet. It's in the basement." He tells me.

"Okay well then let's go, besides I would love to say hi to your Mom." I say getting out of the low car.

"No one's here. Just us." He says unlocking the front door.

I say nothing and follow him into the basement. My mind wanted to ask a million questions. What are we doing here? Where is everyone? Why are you acting so weird? But instead my body just went along with whatever he said and my mind shut off.

We reach the basement and it looks bigger than I remember. Two long black letter couches take up majority of the space with a tall glass coffee table in the center of the two.

"So...what's down here?" I ask.

"I want to tell you something." He says taking a step toward me.

"What?" It must be serious. He has never looked so nervous.

"For a while now I haven't known what I mind was lost." He whispers stepping closer to me so that we are now face to face. Centimeters apart. Nose to nose.

"Is everything okay?" I whisper back.

My palms were sweaty, my mouth was dry and my heart was going a mile a minute.

"No. But I hope this is okay." He said cupping my cheek with his large hand.

When our lips met I was thrown into a haze. I couldn't begin to imagine how this happened. I just saw him yesterday and now all of a sudden we are at his house, kissing. What the fuck was going on? I wanted to stop him, to push him away and ask just what the fuck he thought he was doing. But honestly I didn't want him to stop. I felt as though this was what I was missing, human connection that I have never felt before. And yes I am aware as to how wrong this was, he is my best friend. What is wrong with me, like seriously what the fuck is wrong with me. He is my best friend! what am I doing?

I pulled away with my hand against his chest, keeping him at arm's length.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to bring my heart rate down.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have." He said averting his eyes away from mine.

"It's okay I am just confused."

He looks back at me and for what felt like minutes we started at each other.

I shamed myself in my mind for thinking the thoughts I was.

"Screw it." I said.

I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back to my mouth. He picked up fairly fast and began kissing me again. Slow movements of our mouths. I slowly removed his shirt and he removed mine, never breaking our kiss. Clothes started flying and before I knew it he had me on the couch and we went way farther than we should have.

he spoke to me after moments of laying next to each other...


I shot up breathing heavy.

"Dinner is ready." She said leaving the room.

I checked my phone and the time ready 9pm. And no text messages or calls. It was all a dream. But if it was a dream then why did that feeling I had before I went to sleep magnify. My heart literally was aching, pining for what my subconscious craved. What's worse is I actually wanted that dream to be a reality. This is when my life changed. And I knew who I was and what I wanted. Not only did I realize that I was gay, but that I was In love with my best friend.

Thank you so much for reading we are now number 2 in two separate categories. My life in a nutshell and drug use. Keep reading and cast your votes love you all.



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