Chapter XXXIV

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.Age 19. Part 7.

One month later.

Haven and I had just gotten off of work. She was going to stay at her Mothers for the night so Sawyer and I could have the house to ourselves. She has been very understanding when it comes to him and I. After I dropped her off I texted Sawyer saying I was on my way home. He had left about an hour ago so he might already be there. We had planned on him just coming over, having some dinner and having basically a in home date. I drove home as fast as I legally could. When I arrived home I didn't see his Jeep in the parking lot so I knew I still had some time. I ran into the house and saw it had been a mess. I am very OCD when it comes to having people over. The house always has to be spotless. Oerba had an accident and I had to clean that up. I was still in my GCA shirt so I changed real quick and did my makeup, Just some black eyeliner. While I was running around the apartment cleaning I heard the door open. 

"Shit" I said to myself.

When I exited the bedroom I saw Sawyer walking toward our card table we had set up in the little dining area with bags from Meijer in hand. He was wearing a Black hoodie with white tribal markings on the left side. He set the bags down and took off his hat to reveal his dark brown hair infused with red highlights. He had recently changed it since we first met.

"Hey babe." He says wrapping his arms around me.

Everytime we kiss my heart skips a beat. Everytime he calls me Babe, my legs get weak. What is it about him, not even Kyle had this effect on me. 

"Hi. What ya got there?" I asked pointing to the bags.

"Well. You told me what you wanted to make for dinner so I went ahead and bought everything." He said as he started taking items out of the bag and showing me.

"And, because I love you." He said handing me a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups, My favorite candy.

He said it. Did he mean to say it? Do I say it back? What do I do? Me being me I grabbed the candy, gave him a kiss and said thank you. But there was still one thing missing and I needed to go to Meijer anyway. I had told him this and  he was more than happy to go with me. 

"I really like your hoodie. Where did you get it?" I asked.

"Wish. You really like it?" He asked.

"Yeah, makes you look sexy." 

Before I could say another word he took off the hoodie and put it on me.

"It's yours." He smiled.

"What? No babe all I said is that I liked it."

"Well I like it better on you." He smiled giving me a quick kiss.

"Let me just go grab my shoes and we will go, okay?" I said.

"Okay." He repeated and followed me into my room.

I couldn't help myself. I through my arms around him and began making out with him.

About ten minutes in he cuts me off and looked at me.

"Honey I love you but we should probably go soon." A huge grin appeared on his face.

He said it again. No way is he gonna accidently say it twice. He meant it. Hell who am I kidding. I love him too.

I pulled apart from him and looked at him.

"What did you say?" I asked wanting him to say it again.

He put my black hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek in his hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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