Chapter XXII

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.Age 18. Part 3.

  The next day was long and dragged on for what felt like an eternity. I didn't see much of Kyle today, he spent lunch with Kyra. Just as well, I had to get to my teaching class early. I took a course called teacher cadet and it allowed me to go to any school of my choosing within the area and help the teacher I pick teach their class. That way if we wanted to be teachers we have experience and the class counts as math and college credits. I picked my personal favorite teacher. My second grade teacher Ms.Mocker. I had her when I was in second grade and our class was her first class as a teacher. The walk there was fast but again the time just seemed to be moving so slow.

When I got home from school I saw a message from Kyle.

"Dude I got something to tell you on the bus tomorrow." He said

           "What?" I replied.
I saw the typing signal on the top of the WhatsApp screen when he replied.

"To much to text I'll tell you tomorrow."

Okay, whatever something stupid I bet. Don't get me wrong I was glad that he was excited to talk to me about something especially with how last year went. Probably something to do with his classes. Well I would find out the next day so I figured why not go play my game and get some sleep.

Sleep seemed like it was only seconds instead of hours. The sound of my Dads voice waking me telling me to get ready echoed in my room. I got dressed, grabbed my stuff and headed off to school to find out what Kyle wanted to tell me.

When him and I were seated on the bus going to our other school for extra classes he tells me.

"I think Kyra has a thing for me." He says.

I stare blankly at him and wait for more before I say anything.

"Look!" He says handing me his phone with the message log between them pulled up.

My eyes skimmed word by word and I couldn't believe what she was doing. She was trying to cheat on her current boyfriend with Kyle.

Oh hell to the no. Nah-ah, not in this life. Not while I'm alive. If I can save someone the heartache I went through then I will.

I read the conversation between the two and without a expression I handed the phone back to him.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

His large grin turned to a frown within milliseconds.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Do you not see what she's doing?" I asked him.

"Listen dude. She likes me and she's hot okay we aren't doing anything wrong." He defends.

Not a very good defense.

"You are saying that it's okay for you two to be talking like this?" I asked. Just baffled by this whole thing.

I won't lie a lot of jealousy hit at once and part of me thought that it was because I told Kyra how I felt about Kyle. But I don't think she would do that.

"I mean if she is bored with her boyfriend then I am available." He says.

"Can I be blut?" I ask.

He nods in approval.

"You are being a douchebag. She isn't trying to replace her boyfriend with you, she is trying to make you her side bitch. No where in there did it say that she wanted to end things with him. And honestly I am a little surprised you would be okay with helping someone cheat. Imagine if you had a girlfriend or boyfriend..." he cuts me off.

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