Chapter 7: Departure

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Tyki's POV

Slowly, Tyki opened his eyes to reveal a white head of hair and a beautiful pale face with grey eyes... and pure rage filling those eyes. "Ty-ki~", Allen growled, hovering just above the noah, clearly ready to pummel him.

"Oi, Shounen", Tyki laughed, nervously. "What's with the face?"

"Why are you in here?"

Tyki looked toward Road but found that she wasn't where she had previously been sitting. Looking around the room, he caught sight of her and Wisely at the door of the room, hunched over and sneaking out. He opened his mouth to call for her but was cut off, immediately. "Good luck", she squeaked, before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

"Thanks", Tyki mumbled sarcastically, pouting like a frustrated child.

"Get out."

"My", Tyki smirked, teasingly. "You sure are quick to call this your room. Are you comfortable? Have you already accepted this as your home?"

That obviously hit something, since the boy's face lit up bright red with embarrassment. "G-get out, Tyki Mikk!"

"Awe~! I can't sleep with you? I was really looking forward to-"

The boy's innocent expanded and he grabbed the noah by the arm with his cape before tossing him across the room and at the door. Instead of colliding with it, though, he phased through it using his noah powers, leaving the room with a calm "Goodnight, Shounen~."

Allen's POV

Throughout breakfast, Allen couldn't help but wonder about the night before. Not only did the noah sneak into his room, but he had had some terrible nightmares, after they left. After several nightmares, he ended up rolling around in bed, considering getting up but still hoping he could get some sleep. He was so used to sleeping with Timcanpy and Kanda that doing so without them was nearly impossible.


Tyki calling his name startled him, making him fear that he might have fallen asleep while sitting up and with his eyes opened. How long have I been daydreaming? "Huh?"

The noah leaned in close to Allen's ear and whispered, "are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. Fine. Just tired."

"You didn't sleep well, last night?"

He lowered his fork and sighed, too exhausted to hide it, any longer, and not wanting to lie. "No, I'm not used to sleeping alone, since Timcanpy and Kanda usually sleep with me..."

"Well, you could always sleep with me, Allen~." Though the way he said it made it sound like a genuine invitation, the smirk on the noah's face made him wonder if he was only teasing.

The ex-exorcist scoffed, annoyed with the older man. "I'm too tired for your jokes, Tyki Mikk. Leave me be."

Tyki sat up straight and lifted his food to his mouth, stopping to say before taking a bite, "It's no joke."

They said nothing more, eating in silence instead and stealing glances at each other, occasionally.

Allen's POV

Road, Allen, Tyki, Lavi, and Bookman stood in front of Road's checkered door, ready to take the bookmen back to the order, when Allen noticed how impatient and short-tempered his red-headed friend was. "What's wrong, Lavi?"

"Agh, how could you even ask that? You're choosing to stay with the noah - don't you think your trust is misplaced?"

Tyki opened his mouth to protest but was sharply cut off by Allen's flat tone. "I don't trust them."

"So you say..."

"I'll be back eventually, don't worry. I don't plan on sticking around long." The ex-exorcist smiled wide in an attempt to ease Lavi's worry.

In response, he only turned toward the door, allowing Bookman to say his goodbyes. The old man grabbed Allen's delicately and said, "Be safe, Allen Walker. I have a feeling that things aren't particularly what they seem to be, here. Keep your guard up and, as the idiot behind me said, trust no one."

"Come now", Road sang, clapping her hands together and smiling politely. "If we don't leave now, me and Tyki might be late for dinner!"

"Alright, alright", Lavi groaned, walking through the door with Bookman right behind him. Both of them took a peek back at the boy before leaving.

"Remember what I said, boy", Tyki smiled. "I won't be back until late, but I promise not to wake you up, if you do decide to sleep in my room."

Tyki winked and his smile grew wider, irritating Allen for several reasons. What does this idiot think? That I can just forget about everything and start a new life with him? Please. "I don't need you oryour room. Stop trying, you will always be my enemy", the ex-exorcist snapped.

Although the noah smiled and waved the boy's attitude off as he walked out the door, the look in his eyes told Allen he'd finally hit a nerve. Honestly, it made him feel guilty. How unreasonable, he's my enemy.

And, with a "tsk", he swiftly turned on his heel and marched to his room, to attempt to sleep peacefully. Alone. In his own room. Without Tyki.

Allen's POV

"Release control to me, Allen, or you know what's going to happen", Nea commanded, emotionlessly.

They'd been arguing for several hours through his nightmares. Each time he denied, Allen was thrown into a terrifying scene that woke him from his sleep, shaking in fear. His dreams were more terrifying than anything he'd ever experienced, previously. It was horrible. He continued to go back to sleep, dream a nightmare, and wake up in a pattern for several hours before finally getting out of bed and roaming the ark. If he couldn't sleep peacefully, he wouldn't sleep.

He passed Tyki's door and glanced at it but "hmph"ed at it and kept walking. After doing a full circle, walking completely around the ark, he glanced at Tyki's door and hesitated before walking another circle. This time, he stopped in front of it and raised a fist to it. He knocked a couple of times and waited for an answer. "T-Tyki?"

He received no response.

He must still be out, the boy surmised. He did say it would be okay if...

A drop of sweat trickled down his temple as he drew the purple key Tyki had given him from his pocket and unlocked the door, carefully and slowly inching it opened. Once just enough space was made for him to see into the room, he peeked in and asked, "Tyki? Are you there?"

The room was too dark for him to see into and he heard no response, so he fully opened the door, walked in, and shut it behind him. Once the light from the ark had disappeared, his eyes began to adjust to the room.

It was mainly black with purple rugs, sheets, drapes, and decorative outlines on empty picture frames and his bed's canopy's curtains. Rich people stuff.

As he crept closer to the bed and swept a hand across it's perfectly folded covers, he noticed that the purple sheets were made of silk and the thick, black comforter had purple silk designs decorating it. Again, rich people stuff.

The room smelt like Tyki and it surprisingly brought him peace. It made him feel safe, somehow. Maybe it was the cigarette smell that reminded him of Cross or the smell of earth and nature that reminded him of Mana, but, despite the fact that Tyki had nearly killed him several times before, he felt safe in the noah's presence. Just the overwhelming scent of Tyki was enough make every muscle in his body relax.

Although the noah could be a pervert, at times, he only hoped that he'd show up at some point and, rather than push himself onto the ex-exorcist, he'd keep watch for any signs of Nea taking over.

And, with that, he lay ontop of the bed, took one last wiff of Tyki's pillow, and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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