Chapter 18: Ambush

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Allen's POV

"Where are we going", Allen asked, wearily.

"That's a secret, boy", Tyki smirked.

The ex-exorcist glared daggers at him as they walked to one of Road's doors. They stopped and let it slowly open, so he opened his mouth to lecture the noah, planning to threaten him with anything and everything he had, when a certain clown came bouncing and waddling down the street.

"I'm coming too~ ", the Earl said, cheerfully.

If he hadn't been so evil and hateful, the boy would have seen him as being just as childish as the rest of the noah. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and a drop of sweat rolled down both Tyki and Allen's temples. "Why...", the white-haired one asked, not even attempting to hide the disgust and displeasure he felt at being at the side of his adoptive father's murderer and not being able to kill him.

"Yes, Lord Millennium", Tyki groaned, pricking at Allen's nerves.

I hate how respectfully he speaks toward that... noah...

"Why are you joining us? I can handle it, you know...", the man whined defensively, pouting slightly.

And somehow adorably...

"I want front row seats to this show, my boy, and would like to keep a close eye on the 14th, while I'm at it."

Allen bit his lip and clenched his hands into fists, fighting back the urge to punch the fat blob in the face. Instead, he turned on his heel, "tsk"ed, and walked through Road's door. Let's just get this over with.

Allen's POV

They approached a path from the forest and stared down at it, watching as a horse and buggy came toward them.

"That, there, is the Order's Inspector Malcolm C. Leverrier. Tyki-pet, I suggest you get to work."

"Alright, alright", Tyki groaned, though he still smiled. Probably in excitement for the upcoming "job". He fixed his gloves and began moving forward, but stopped abruptly and whined to the Earl, "And stop calling me that, please! I really don't like it." As the Earl responded by laughing, the noah winked once at the boy before jumping into the air and disappearing.

"Allen Walker", the Earl began, "Let's enjoy the show together, shall we?"

Enjoy the show? Not that I care for Lvellie, but why would he take me with them? Isn't the Earl worried that I'd get in the way? Of course, this is the Earl I'm talking about... He probably has a backup plan for that, too...

Tyki landed on the top of the carriage and fazed through it, disappearing momentarily before it exploded in a cloud of smoke.

Jumping out of the smoke was Tyki, smiling devilishly at... Kanda... Why is he here? He'll get himself killed! Idiot.

Allen grit his teeth and began running forward but was immediately tripped. He fell to the ground face first and looked back, catching the Earl with his cane outstretched, where the boy's feet had been. "What are you do-"

"Don't you care what Tyki Mikk would think? He may never forgive you, if you intervene."

Never forgive me? Like I care! He's a noah and Kanda is my comrade! He's... He clenched his fist before standing up and immediately being tripped, once more. I fell for that twice?! Literally...

"I think you should think carefully about this, exorcist. The humans have abandoned you, yet Tyki Mikk's love runs deep for you. So deep, in fact, that he would do things for you that no exorcist would. And, of course, I know that you feel the same way."

"And why should I believe you?! What does this even mean to me?! Kanda is in danger, right now! I can't sit by and watch my comrade die! Kanda is more important! Kanda is family! Kanda-"

"Has betrayed you. Didn't you notice how too preoccupied he was with his former lover to save you, boy? If you ask me, he's been thinking about that Alma Karma since they parted. Even when he was with you."

"Wait, you knew... about...?"

"Of course! I know everything, don't you know?"

Although the Earl bounced about playfully, Allen couldn't tell if he was serious or joking. He clearly doesn't know everything, or he'd have the heart by now. He looked back toward the fight and watched as Tyki fought Kanda, Lenalee, Chaoji, and Lavi. Although I hate to admit it, he has a point... what should I do...?

Tyki's POV

Tyki dodged the samurai's sword with ease, jumping high into the air before landing in a tree. The pig inspector crouched on the ground, watching as the exorcists fought off the noah. He, of course, was having a blast knowing that no one could touch him. Let's just add to it the fact that Allen would be watching his "performance" with the eyes of an ally. Surely he'll fall for me now, the noah swooned.

"What are you smiling about", Kanda barked.

"Oh, I'm only excited to finally receive the chance to torture one of the boy's exes. I've been waiting for this opportunity, you see."

"Ex? You must be kidding yourself", Mr. Kitchen Knife scoffed arrogantly, simultaneously attempting and failing to lay his blade on the noah. "Just because he isn't here doesn't mean I'm his ex, idiot."

"Oh? But he is here." All four of the exorcists paused and stared at the noah, too shocked to speak.

"It's just that he's not on your side", Tyki finished. "We did kiss, the other night. He's come to watch you die, today."

"I don't believe you."

"Then, I suggest you kill me quickly, so you might receive the proof you need", the noah sighed, through his grin. It was quite annoying that he couldn't seem to anger the man, but he could hope that, eventually, he'd receive the satisfaction he desired. Eventually.

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