Chapter 11: Secret Agent Sticky Fingers

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Tyki's POV

Tyki had a plan, actually. Although he's been seen in his human form by Mr. Kitchen Knife, the girl, the new exorcist, and Bookman Junior, he's only been seen as a miner by the red-head and the vampire. Well, besides Allen. As long as he avoided those two, he'd be fine sneaking into the order.

Not that he needed to sneak into the order. Actually, he could probably very easily run through the walls and find Lvellie, assassinate him, and leave. Two problems came with that: One - it would probably draw a lot of attention and it would be hard for him to find the inspector. Two - wasn't as fun as playing Secret Agent Sticky Fingers.

The noah smirked slightly as he walked up to the entrance to the order, dressed in his overalls, gloves, and glasses, and holding a large box full of coal. Of course, no one would know it was coal unless they opened it, since it was completely covered.

After telling the gatekeeper that the box was a delivery for Lvellie, he was let through quite easily, and able to roam the halls freely. His plan worked swimmingly and he was even able to ask for directions from many, many people without gaining suspicion. At one point, he saw an empty storage room and plopped the box down there. Why carry it if he didn't need it, any longer?

At another point, he was almost spotted by the red-head. He was walking down a narrow hall that led to another hall, and heard Bookman's Successor talking to the girl exorcist. Without hesitation, he ducked into a storage room, nearly breaking everything inside of it, since it was too small, and waited for the two to pass.

Once they did, he made his way to the cafetria, where Lvellie happened to be. The ugly dog was barking at Mr. Kitchen Knife rather violently. "Oi, Inspector", the noah called.

The samurai glared at him and for a moment Tyki thought his cover was blown. It may have even been, but the exorcist only "tch"ed and left, leaving the Inspector and Tyki to... chat.

The dog scrunched his face even more than Tyki thought it could scrunch and spat, "there is no smoking, in here."

"Ah, sorry", Tyki said, smiling politely and dropping the cigarette into a nearby human's cup of water. "It's sort of a habit."

Lvellie studied him carefully for several seconds before clasping his hands behind his back, both of the two ignoring the finder yelling at the noah. "Who are you, exactly?"

"Ah, that. I've come to deliver you something." The noah dug around in his pockets with a sheepish smile on his face and the finder grumbled and sat back down. "Come on, where is it?"

"Pah, I don't have time for this." The blonde turned on his heel and began walking to the exit.

Tyki's smile grew, if it could have, any further. "I see. I'll make it quick, then", he nearly whispered, ripping out a tease to cram into the dog's back. He looked back with surprise and, unfortunately, that new exorcist jumped in front of him, ready to take the blow and defend him.

Well, oh well. Tyki wouldn't mind killing two birds with one stone, had it not been for the boy. Allen jumped in front of the new exorcist, defending both him and the Inspector, blocking the noah's attack with a green spark of resistance.

He hopped back and his smile lessened, though it never completely dissipated. "Shounen~, why are you here?" Although he put on a pleasant facade, he was seething inside. This boy ruined his perfectly laid out plan, just as always. The Earl would be furious if he didn't return with a victory or Allen. Things are getting complicated...

"I won't let you do this", the ex-exorcist growled.

"Oh?" Tyki frowned, finally ready to take things seriously.

"Allen Walker", Lvellie screeched. "Guard me and you will be rid of all charges!"

"Come on, Shounen. You're smarter than that. Just walk away and we can go home peace-"

"This is my home!" Allen's glare deepened and, though the noah just loved that look, he was getting more anxious with every second that passed. He may be a noah but taking on the entire order wasn't exactly an option.

"Is it now", an unfamiliar voice asked.

He and Allen both looked equally confused and, as they looked around they caught sight of a preacher approaching the boy. "I-it is...", Allen sweated.

As if a switch had been flipped, suddenly, the preacher was on the boy, pinning him to the floor with his arms behind his back. "Get off! What are you doing? I'm on your side!"

"So you say", the preacher responded, coolly.

"Tyki", the boy cried.

The noah crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air. "Hm? What?"

"Help me, you idiot!"

"I don't think that's the appropriate way to ask for help, shounen~."


"I think I deserve an apology for the way you sabotaged my plans." He held out his hands and shrugged, a smirk quickly growing on his face. "I don't think I like how you undid all the hard work I put into sneaking into this place."

He glared at the noah. "I'm going to kill you."

The preacher pulled up an arm, which turned into feathers, and aimed for the boy's head.

"Oh," Tyki said, throwing up his hands. "Then I guess you don't want my help."

He turned to walk away but stopped when he heard struggling and, "fine! I'm sorry! Now please help me!"

"I guess that's satisfactory", the noah said, smile broadening once more. He dropped down into the ground and threw his tease up behind Apocryphos, throwing the human-shaped innocence off guard and forcing him to prioritize the inspector's safety while the noah grabbed the boy. Tyki pulled Allen into the ground with him, using his abilities to phase both of them through it, and called out a, "another time, then", before taking them outside to find Road's gate.

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