Chapter 13: Monsters

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Tyki's POV

The noah stood in front of the boy's bedroom door, sighing heavily and wondering how, exactly, he was going to apologize. He had been ignoring Allen since the incident with the order but, as time went on, he began to feel guilty for doing so.

Normally, the boy's reaction would have been anger and he wouldn't see Tyki's side whatsoever. However, all the noah saw in Allen's eyes, recently, was guilt. But, really? Guilt? He was only defending his friends; he didn't do anything wrong...

He lifted his fist to knock on the door but stopped at the sound of footsteps and turned a raised eyebrow at the sulking girl, approaching him. "What's the matter, Road", he asked.

She only slightly raised her head before lowering it again and watching her feet, as she walked past him. "Allen just bluntly rejected me. I guess he really is all yours..."

"Allen? Where is he?"

She stopped and frowned deeply at him before summoning an ark gate and sulking off.

Well, he'd console her later.

Allen's POV

The infuriating men seemed to grow in numbers and created a wall that kept him from exiting the ally. "So", the Italian one smirked, holding out a hand. "What do you say you hand over the necklace, so we don't hafta rough you up, ya?"

"We don't want any trouble", the shortest one cooed, as though he were speaking to a toddler.

The "toddler" had enough, though. He hated the way these idiots talked to him and how weak they were. And, hand over the necklace that Tyki gave him? No way. That man may be a noah, but he's the closest thing to me, right now. Well, the closest living thing...

"Here, let me help", a voice echoed, in his head.

Suddenly, he somehow understood how to use his noah powers, as though Neah sent that knowledge through him, along with a rush of dark matter and... power.

He ignored the nagging in the back of his mind that told him that this was wrong and allowed the anger and dark matter to take over. Opening his palm toward the wall of men, he sent cords of dark matter through their eye sockets, lifting them up off the ground and above his head. Blood dripped from their bodies and coated his white hair, dropping into his mouth and bringing him ecstasy. He knew it was sick and sadistic but... he loved it.

As the cords went entirely through their skulls and poked out of the back of their heads, they slid down and toward Allen, no longer screaming or struggling. Once they were all still, he allowed the dark matter to disappear and they all dropped onto the bloody ground around him.


The boy's heart skipped a beat and he froze before slowly turning to face the voice. Tyki was standing at the dead end of the ally with wide, shocked eyes.

"What are you...", Tyki began. He looked at the bodies lying on the ground and Allen joined him. It was only then that he realized just what he'd done and he dropped to the ground, looking at his hands as the blood dripped from his hair and onto his palms. I did this... I killed innocent humans... I'm a monster...


The two sat in Allen's room with a bowl of water, vinegar, and baking soda on top of a waist-high table. Tyki had his hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it from getting wet and took his coat off, to keep it from getting ruined. Not that he couldn't get a million more, with his status and wealth...

While Allen lounged in a chair with his head back and hair in the water, the noah sat behind him, washing the blood from his hair in silence. Not that he was upset or anything. Actually, he was quite happy to see the boy possibly learn to understand why the noah kill humans. Possibly. He hadn't exactly gotten around to asking him about it, yet.

However, he was quite concerned, for the boy. He'd always been pro-human and would usually throw himself in the line of fire to save even the least of them. What could have possibly made him snap? And that black matter... Was it Neah...?

When the boy first spoke, his voice sounded hushed, as though he physically couldn't bring himself to speak any louder. "Tyki?"


"Do you think I'm a monster?"

The noah frowned and paused washing Allen's hair, slightly confused, hurt, and surprised by the question. He returned to washing the blood from the normally pearly-white hair as though he hadn't been asked, though he continued to frown and asked in a calm and soothing tone, "do you think I'm a monster?"

The boy stiffened visibly before relaxing and lowering his head as much as he could without causing Tyki any trouble. Which wasn't very low. "I mean, n-no..."

The noah smiled and leaned over Allen. "Then neither are you." And, with that, he kissed him on the forhead and stood from his chair.


He threw a towel on the boy's head as he smiled genuinely on the way to the door, not bothering to say another word. Just as he turned the doorknob, he heard a quiet "W-wait" and turned his head slightly to look at the confusing ball of confusion with confusion probably written all over his confused face. (Confusing?)

Allen was blushing furiously and seemed to look everywhere but at the noah, standing right in front of him. "Turn around and close your eyes", he muttered.

"Ooh~, Shounen! Do you have something for me?! Huh", he asked in a teasing tone, trying to hold back his laughter at how embarrassed he made the ex-exorcist.


"Alright, alright", he sighed, turning around and closing his eyes. "However, if you wanted another kiss-"

A fist to his cheek stopped that train of thought quick and he opened his eyes, whined in exaggerated pain, and whined once more like a child to his mother, "What?! That's why I had to close my eyes?! How cruel, boy."

"No, but if you don't shutup you won't get anything!"

"Alright", the noah said with a shaky, sheepish voice. He closed his eyes and waited but couldn't keep his mouth shut once he felt his cravat come ondone. A wicked smirk danced across his face and, without opening his eyes, he joked, "Oh~, Shounen! So soon?!"

"Shut up and keep your eyes closed until I say so, idiot!"

"Alright, alright", he said, trying his hardest to stop smiling. When he felt something gently tighten around his neck and then releasing, he asked, "can I open them now?"

His response was a sharp "no!" and pressure on his back, pushing him to move forward. He complied, enjoying the way the boy's back felt against his and trusting that he wouldn't be walked into a wall. He came to a halt but Allen kept his back to the noah, only mumbling that the noah could open his eyes loud enough for himself to barely be heard.

Tyki opened his eyes and looked in the mirror at his chest, pleasantly surprised to find a purple ribbon, loosely tied like a low hanging bow. He smirked and allowed a small and quick bubble of laughter to spill from his mouth. "I guess I didn't have to tell you that this is my favorite color."

"O-oh", Allen stuttered, from behind him. "It just... reminded me of you, is all..."

"Does it?" He turned around to a surprised, flustered Allen and wrapped his arms around him, burying his face in his snow white hair and saying in an uncharacteristically serious, loving, caring, and kind voice, "Thank you, Allen."

The boy stiffened before wrapping his arms around the noah and burying his face in the taller man's chest, saying nothing in response.

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