Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:  Curiosity and Bewilderment

        Azrael and I walk through the stone city, still in our fur forms. Many people stare at us as we walk towards the castle, no doubt recognizing who Azrael is and what power he holds.

        I can't help but brush against Azrael as the many wolves look me over. I know they can tell that I'm a runt, and I wonder if I'll get hate for it. Especially since I am accompanying their Lead Trainer and Rogue Hunter.

        Azrael told me that "Rogue Hunter" is an official title in his pack. If so, then I'd have three titles. Tracker, Rogue Hunter, and Runt. No one can get past the thought that I'm a runt. Not even Azrael by the way he's walking with me.

        He seems to stand taller with more confidence and is walking closer to me. It may be his instincts screaming at him that there is a smaller wolf that needs to be protected.

        I don't blame him, though. I'm the same way with pups and runts that are smaller than me. I've seen some runts that are even half a foot smaller than me and stand at two-feet tall. It's smaller than most feral wolves.

        It doesn't mean I think any less of them as I stand the average height for a feral wolf, while most females are standing at around three feet and a possible half tall. My two and a half foot stature doesn't really give off an air of danger.

        Especially with my body language. While I may stand tall and respectful, I still hold some puppy traits. Not only does it make other wolves underestimate me, but it's also in my runt nature.

        My height is for the average ten-to-thirteen-year-old, so most see me as a pup. It irritates me to no end but gives me some type of advantage over them.

        I stare at the buildings that we pass and try to ignore the curious eyes. I know they can tell that I am no pup, especially with the way I walk. Like a trained fighter.

        The buildings are stone brick or mainly any other kind of brick. I see a lot of the buildings look like that of an old human village, especially with a lot of the pine and redwood decorating, but it adds charm to the imposing village.

        I lift my muzzle and catch a whiff of baking bread and sweets. I practically purr at the scent and I know Azrael notices. Especially with my tail whacking him in the leg as I unconsciously wag it.

        Azrael looks down at me and shows off his teeth in a grin. I suppose he's not one to act uniform and cold in the public's eye. "Puppy nature?" he unnecessarily asks as he whips his own tail at mine.

        I pin my ears back and look away in a sheepish grin. He moves closer to me, a wolfish chuckle rumbling in his throat, and brushes against my saddle-style bag.

        He looks down at the bag, a look adorning his face as if he as never seen it on me before. I just stare at him as he stops in his tracks. I stop beside him and sit down.

        Azrael still stares at the bag and lifts his paw towards it. He taps it a few times before his sudden curiosity and bewilderment are sated. "What in the name of the Goddess, is that?" his voice still shows his astonishment.

        I coyly glance at him and bite at a hangnail, playing as if I don't understand what he's talking about. Well, I mean I don't truly understand why he's like this, my mind whispers.

        "It's my bag," I tell him, cocking my head to the side in confusion. Why is he so dumbfounded by this? It's obviously my bag.

        "How did you manage to fit all your stuff in this?" he asks me, his voice portraying confusion. I stand up beside him and look at the bag wrapped around my small body.

        "I've only brought the necessities. A few pairs of training clothes, boots, undergarments, and my phone. There's also a small bag with deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, and a washrag. There's also a small first-aid kit." I don't need to mention my bow and quivers of arrows on my back as they are in plain sight. I also don't mention my knives.

        He cocks his head to the side in confusion. "That's a lot for two small bags. How'd it all fit?" I just grin at him and continue towards the large brick road.

        He swiftly trots beside me and I allow him to take lead. It's obvious where the castle is, but he's still higher ranking than me, and I pushed the rankings when I walked off without him.

         A few wolves give us curious looks, though I ignore it. We're nearly half-way to the castle, walking across a large field by a gym when a wolf walks towards us.

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