Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty: The First of Many

        I mutter under my breath as something tightens around my waist. I don't feel alarmed and the calming scent of the forest and fresh rain doesn't cause any alarm bells to ring in my head.

        I squeak as something presses against my shoulder, feeling slightly scratchy against my skin. There's a heat radiating from behind me and I become hyper-aware of the position I'm laying in.

        Sometime during the night Azrael and I had managed to move our positions so that he's curled around me, his one arm holding me against him by my waist with his other one under my head as a make-shift pillow.

        I relax into him slowly, trying to block out the light that is conveniently shining right into my eyes. I shift around to try and get the light away from my eyes, though all that manages to do is make Azrael's grip around me tighter.

        His head is tucked into my neck, his growing scruff rubbing against my shoulder as he nuzzles into me softly. A purr rumbles from my chest without my permission, making Azrael purr in turn.

        Purring is very common among us wolves, not that many outsiders know. Generally, only families and mates are found purring around one another. It's just a simple way of showing love or affection to your loved ones.

        The purr vibrating out of his chest makes me blink my eyes sleepily, the constant rumble a very soothing sound. It sounds much like a growl, though it's much softer. Calmer. Soothing.

        I'm almost asleep again when his grip on me loosens and he yaws, pushing himself onto his arm. I blink sleepily and turn on my back, staring up into his hooded brown eyes. They're darker than normal.

        He smiles down at me and his open hand fiddles with the drawstring on my pants. He moves his hand rests it against my bare waist, my shirt having risen sometime during the night. The warmth of his hand causes my eyes to flutter a bit.

        I stare into his eyes, a low blush forming at the fondness I see in them. I send him my calm emotions and he leans down a bit. My heartbeat spikes a bit as his eyes flicker down to my lips. My own do the same and he leans his head down more.

        My hand rests against his jaw as our noses brush against each other. My eyes flutter close as his breath flows against my lips. There's a pause in his movement and I brush my nose against his, knowing that he's asking for permission.

        A second goes past until his lips press against mine. I melt into the soft kiss, my heart swelling in the love I feel being poured into it. Azrael and I have yet to tell each other that we love each other, though it's practically in everything we do.

        I tilt my head to the side and our kiss deepens. I hesitantly move my lips against Azrael's, enjoying the warmth that spreads through me at it. He doesn't bother to deepen the kiss any more than what it is.

        My hand moves from his jaw to the nape of his neck as he pulls back slowly, his hand resting on my hip. My breaths come out in slow, soft pants as he swirls a random pattern on my skin.

        I mess with his hair as I smile softly at him. He smiles down at me and I have the urge to kiss him again. I land a small chaste kiss on his lips, fondness filling me as his lips follow after mine.

        We just stare into each other's eyes. I duck my head down after a few seconds. "That was my first kiss," I tell him softly. I bite my lip at the shy embarrassment that fills me, the emotions foreign to me.

        His hand moves from my hip to my chin as he lifts my head up. He uses his thumb to pull my lower lip from between my teeth. He looks into my eyes and the emotion I see swirling in his cause my heart to clench with emotion. "Mine too, amica mea." The statement is a soft, slow, gravely whisper.

        I smile at the Latin meaning 'my love'. Only royal wolves and high ranked wolves are taught Latin. Due to my father's stance as Gamma, I had been taught it as well.

        "I love you," I tell him softly. His eyes darken and the emotion I feel from his side of the bond causes me to become breathless as tears prick the back of my eyes.

         "I love you, too amica mea." I let out a soft shuddering breath as his lips meet mine again for a chaste kiss. I pull him to me and he wraps his arms around me. He's the more affectionate of the two of us, but my upcoming heat is causing me to want to show more affection since I'm almost mated.

        We lay there for a few minutes and I feel him pull away. He has this soft, sheepish smile on his lips. "I'm sorry to break this up, love," he tells me, nudging his nose against mine. "But we've got to leave soon."

        A soft sigh leaves my throat as I nod my head, my lips brushing against his softly. "I know." He leans forward and presses his lips to mine before pulling back and getting out of the bed.

        "I'll be back in around twenty minutes," he tells me, grabbing his clothes from last night and heading towards the bathroom. He changes quickly and presses a kiss to cheek, opening the door and leaving.

        I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom, face flushed from this morning. "I thought he'd never leave." I groan and my head thuds against the door in my embarrassment.

         "How long were you listening, Leah?" I ask her, not even bothering to hide as I strip and jump into the shower. I'm on a time crunch, so no time for formalities.

        "You haven't marked each other," she says, shock in her voice. I tilt my head to the side as she looks at my bare collarbone. I lift an eyebrow.

         "Of course, we haven't, Leah," I tell her, a frown on my lips. I pull the shower curtain closed and turn on the shower. "You heard, we just said that we loved each other." My tone turns giddy as I feel the remaining effects of his emotions in me.

         "Usually mate who actually feel the bond mark each other before uttering that they love each other," Leah points out from outside the curtain. I roll my eyes at her.

         "It's different," I tell her, my voice soft. "He's royalty and we haven't even had the time to mark each other. Not with how much we've got on our plates." I can practically hear her frown and I roll my eyes at her. She's too worrisome.

         "That can't be healthy," Leah says. Called it.

         "Alpha and Luna marked each other after a month, Leah," I tell her. "Azrael and I've only known each other for a little over that. We're taking it slow, and I'm pretty sure we both appreciate that."

        I turn off the shower and hold my hand out for a towel. She hands a towel to me and I wrap it around myself. I grab another one and start towel drying my hair, walking into my bathroom. Leah follows after me.

        I pack a few of my extra training clothes and other things, dressing in my undergarments and other training gear. "I just-" I hear her sigh in frustration. I turn to her, waiting for her to continue her statement. "I'm worried about you, that's all."

        My stare softens and I walk up to her, hugging her. She seems surprised by the hug but returns it swiftly. I can understand her worry. Her parents hadn't been able to mark each other because of our previous Alpha and that lead to them eventually getting sick until they ended up marking each other the night Alpha Quill took over.

        The two of them were real mates and could feel the bond, so I suppose it could happen between the two of us. I pull away from her as a knock sounds on my door. I perk up as I smell Azrael's scent.

         "Don't worry, Leah," I tell her softly. "We'll be fine." The knocking continues, this time harder. I frown as I feel Azrael's panicked emotions and immediately pull the door open. He stands there, panting and panic clear in his now pale green eyes.

        I can sense his fury as well. "They're gone."

Author's Note:

How'd you like the chapter?  :3

I hope it was worth the week's wait?

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