Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Love; a term of endearment

        I walk through the pack alone as I head to the guesthouse. Leah had finally stopped pestering me after I reminded her that she needs to shower before dinner tonight. She promptly shut up and immediately ran into the shower.

        I tilt my head up at the breeze flowing through the air. The setting sun warms my skin and I'm happy that Azrael decided to stop here for a day. I've missed home and now I get a chance to talk to a few people, especially my parents before I'm gone again.

        There's a high chance that we may be sent out again to the rogue pack. The King will most likely want information about where it's located and how many wolves are there. I just hope that they're no longer following after us.

        The wind flows through my wavy hair and I swipe my bangs to the side. Leah had decided before letting me go to cut my hair, and I can't say I'm disappointed. I've always wanted to try bangs, though I've been too reluctant to actually go to the shop to get them cut.

        Good thing I trust Leah, I mutter to myself, kicking a rock on the stone path. My pack is an older pack, so we don't have the more modern things like asphalt roads and really tall buildings. The newest thing is the pack house, but more than half of it is fifty years old.

        A few pack members give me side glances as I pass them, my stance dominant and my held high. I don't pay mind to the new change in my status as I know it has something to do with the fact that I'm mated to Azrael.

        I walk up the few steps and knock on the door, waiting for one of the squadron to let me. While they're here, it's their house. There is no reason for me to barge in as if I own the place. My mother would surely whoop me should I do that.

        A smile falls on my lips as Azrael's scent becomes stronger. The doorknob turns and he pulls the door open. I smile up at him, my cheeks pink from the last time we saw one another. "Ready to go?" I ask him, stepping into the warm house.

        I listen in on the sounds throughout the house, but other than Azrael's and I's breathing, I hear nothing. At my somewhat confused look, Azrael tells me what I've already concluded. "Conner stopped by after changing to show everyone to the dining hall."

        I nod my head at him and look over his clothing. It's nothing flashy. It's just his usual castle-wear, though he's got his cloak wrapped around his shoulders. "You look handsome," I tell him, ducking my face down as his smile grows.

        I feel his eyes on me and I refuse the urge to shift my footing. "And you look beautiful," he says, stepping closer to me. His chest nearly bumps into mine and I have to crane my head up in order to see him properly.

        "I never realized how tall you are," I mutter to him, grasping the open flaps of his vest. His throat rumbles slightly as I button the vest for him, giving myself something to do. I tweak his tie a bit before stepping out of his space, his scent overwhelming me.

        "I've always realized how short you are," he says amusingly. I give him a sharp glare and he throws his hands up in an 'I'm innocent' gesture. I drop the frown and smile a soft smile, shaking my head at his odd teasing.

         "Let's go, love," I tell him, the term of endearment easily slipping off my tongue. I bite my lip and lead him out of the house, ignoring the way his warmth fills me from our connected bond.

        I stop for a second and he steps right behind me, his warmth soaking through me. He leans his head down, his lips positioned by my ear. "Okay, love." I blush as a giddy feeling fills me.

        We walk side by side and his hand brushes against mine. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, though he's still looking forward. I move my hand to my right and both of our fingers intertwine, locking our hands together.

        We shift closer together, though I feel oddly giddy at holding his hand and physically showing our emotions towards one another. We haven't been able to do this yet and the show of affection is way overdue.

        "I like this," I whisper in our bond, ignoring the double glances we are getting from the pack. I can tell by his emotions that Azrael likes it, too. We walk down the main road and towards the large pack house. It's only three floors in height, though it's massive.

        It's so big that it is the width of three medium-sized houses. Azrael opens one of the large double doors for me and I smile at him. "Thank you." Azreal brushes his lips across my cheek as a stolen kiss as he follows after me.

        He allows me to lead him down the hall with our connected hands and we end up getting pushed together as we join the stream of wolves heading towards the dining room. The dining room has tall ceilings and has many tables with benches to fit everyone in it.

        Smaller circular tables are periodically sprinkled through the room for smaller groups of families. There's no true designated area for those of higher or lower ranks, though the larger table in the center typically houses the higher members of the pack.

        I used to sit there with my parents and on occasion, Leah. I immediately head in the direction of the table and I'm surprised to see Azrael's squadron seated elsewhere, but close to the table. They've already gathered their food and I pull Azrael off to the side where the buffet tables are located.

        Our stomachs rumble loudly as we join the line of wolves. I tilt my head to the side as Azrael grabs one of the larger plates. He flashes me a sheepish smile as he blocks me from grabbing a small plate.

        "I was hoping we could share?" he asks me, his voice low and embarrassed. I clear my throat and nod my head, not really caring that we're sharing a plate. Many mated couples share plates, though that's usually after they've completely mated.

        Azrael and I haven't even properly kissed yet. I ignore the thought and point out a few items that I'd like to eat. Overall, we've got the same tastes in food, so it doesn't matter much. Azrael grabs a few napkins and I follow after him with silverware and two cups of water.

        He nods for me to lead to where he wants us to sit and I immediately head towards two familiar heads. One has brown hair and the other has the same raven hair as I do. The man has his arm over the shorter female's shoulder and plays with her wavy brown hair.

        His black curls bob as he laughs at something she says. All in all, they're a couple in love. They're also my parents. I see the two people begin to scent the air as Azrael and I get closer and they immediately turn around on their stools.

        I smile at the woman as she gasps loudly, her eyes widened. "Evergreen!" she shouts. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Azrael look between the two of us in wary curiosity.

        "Time to meet my parents?" I say sheepishly into our link as the two swiftly walks towards us, shocked.

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