Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One: Betrayal

        I hold in a snarl as I run beside Azrael, heading towards the location Conner is currently at. My ears flick as we become closer and the sound of snarling can easily be heard. Azrael and I spare each other a glance as we sprint as fast as possible to the area.

        I duck down into the shadows as I approach the large clearing. The clearing is situated about a foot lower than the ground I'm on and I make sure to keep quiet as I circle it. I easily spot Conner and Seth circling two large wolves.

        By the fog in their eyes, they're all speaking through wolf bond as they aren't connected through mind-link. I lower my walls slowly as to not alert them of my mental presence, allowing myself to listen in on their conversation.

        "What are you doing here?" I hear Conner snarl at the two males, the fur on his shoulders standing on end. I narrow my eyes at Conner as I sense that he truly does not know what those two wolves are doing.

        "Time's up, pup," The older male snarls, moving closer to Conner. Conner bares his teeth towards the wolf and growls lowly at him, taking a step forward.

        "Conner," I hear Seth ask the wolf in question his tone low. "What are they talking about?" Conner glances at Seth and I can see the sadness in their eyes. Conner stays silent.

        "Why don't you tell him, Conner?" the other wolf, the smaller brown one of the two, says mockingly, licking his chops. Conner snaps at the wolf, though ends up backing from the larger red wolf snapping back.

        "Tell me what?" Seth asks, his tone becoming harder and suspicious. Conner's ears flatten to his skull as he looks at Seth.

         "I'm working with them," Conner says lowly, ducking his head down as Seth gives him a betrayed and hurt-filled glance. "Or, I was." Seth glares at Conner, before turning back to the wolves in front of him.

        I crouch as low as possible and I meet Azrael's eyes from across the field. "What should we do?" I mind-link him, my voice in a whisper even though the wolves in the field won't be able to hear me.

        "Call for the rest of the team." I nod at him before listening in on the conversation again.

        "What do you want?" Seth says, standing up tall and growling at the two wolves. "Where's Vexx?" My ear flicks at the familiar name, knowing that it's the name of the rogue that we are currently hunting down.

        The wolves let out low guttural growls. "Alpha Steros would not appreciate you calling him by his first name," the smaller wolf snarls, seeming upset by the fact that Seth is disrespecting their Alpha.

        I look behind me as I sense two wolves coming. I relax as I see the familiar off-white and red-brown fur of Tryn and Sibyl. They both give me acknowledging glances before looking into the clearing.

        Their ears are pressed against their skulls as they watch Conner, hurt that the wolf we've been with betrayed us. They silently snarl at him, though keep out of sight. Their eyes slowly fog and I know they're tuning into the conversation.

        "-do you want?" I hear Seth ask, his voice much more aggressive and strong. All of the wolves in the field continue to snarl at one another.

        "It's simple, really," the larger wolf says darkly. "We need your little leader. He's how Alpha Steros will rise to power." My eyes darken as I glare forwards, a snarl forming on my lips. I curl my lips over my teeth and bare then fully.

        No one is going to touch what's mine, I think to myself, outraged at the idea of them hurting my mate in some way. Seth, and surprisingly Conner, back up the statement with loud growls and snarls of disagreement

        I'm startled out of my silent rage when a wolf brushes against me. By the tingles that brush through my fur and into my skin, it's Azrael. "No one will hurt me," Azrael tells me as I nuzzle into him.

        "We don't know that," I tell him, staring into his bright eyes. He licks my cheek, the equivalent of a kiss on the cheek. I glare towards the wolves but don't do anything else.

        "Shall we confront them?" Raven's voice enters our minds. I look in the direction of the small black and gray wolf.

        "On my signal," Azrael says, crawling forward. I go to do the same, but he stares me hard in the eyes. I pin my ears back, remembering what we talked about not only half an hour ago. I nod to Azrael, shifting backward as he continues forwards.

        "I'll shift when all of you confront the wolves," I whisper into Azrael's mind, being careful with my steps. I sit below one of the larger trees with my bag off and wait for Azrael's signal. Azrael continues to shift forwards until he's at the border where dark meets light.

        Suddenly, he snaps forwards, a loud commanding growl booming from hm. I immediately shift, grab my bag, and jump into the tree. It takes me only a few seconds to climb to the top where I can see over the whole clearing.

        Wolves from all directions walk out of the forest, loud growls and snarls escaping their throats. Azrael's is very easy to identify by its sheer volume. The hairs on the back of my neck raise at it, though it doesn't make me want to bow down to him.

        Happy that I am no longer in heat, I shake my head. Those thoughts can't be here now. I throw the quiver of my arrows over my shoulder and nock an arrow, waiting for Azrael's go ahead.

        I keep an eye around our surroundings, happy that no wolves can sneak up on me or on them. Azrael walks towards the two wolves in the center to which Conner and Seth bow down and shift backward and out of his way.

        The two wolves snarl at those around them, though mainly face Azrael. I'm too far away from them to hear what they're saying, and it'll distract me should Azrael share what's happening through our mate bond.

        Good thing they can't exactly smell our mate bond, I think to myself, happy that Azrael and I decided to cover up our scents as much as possible as soon as we got here. I start as Azrael's growl turns tenfold.

        I shiver slightly as everyone in the clearing immediately bows down to him in full submission, including the rogues. My eyes widen as I realize what the extremely commanding growl is.

         It's a king's growl.

Author's Note:

25,000!  Oh my God, I can't believe it!  Thank you guys so much!  :3

For the next two days, I should also be posting a chapter because every 5,000 that's what I do.

Also, uhm, surprise?  What do you think?  (Totally not a way to get you to comment more.)

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