I Messed Up.....But I Don't Apologize.

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Juniper, like all Rainwings, loved gossip, and rumors. And she also loved irritating the dragons the gossip was about. 

So, when she heard a rumor that Princess Rin had gotten herself knocked up- well, that was just too good. And Juniper set out to locate a member of the royal family to nag.

She ended up finding Orange, and let's just say things didn't end as well for Juniper as she had expected.

"Oh Hi Orange," She greeted the rainwing slyly. "How are you?" Orange rolled her eyes.

"If you're trying to be a pest, Juniper, go bother someone else." She advised. 

"I'm not here to pester you- I just heard the most delightful piece of gossip, and I just HAD to share it." Orange paused. The gossip loving was a trait that ran through Rainwing blood- even Orange wasn't entirely immune to it.

"What is it?" She asked, curiosity getting the best of her. She hoped Juniper would make it quick- She was supposed to meet Shore in five minutes. He said there was something important he had to tell her.

"I heard that Princess Rin was stupid enough to get knocked up by that pathetic Rainwing she'd always with. I mean, I already knew she was a slut, but I didn't think things would go THAT far. Rumor has it that Parrot isn't even the father- she's just covering it up because she's ashamed of who she really-" 

"What did you say?" Orange growled suddenly, cutting Juniper off. Only one word out of Juniper's rambling has settled in Orange's mind, and it was not something she could let go easily.

"....I said I heard that Princess Rin got knocked up. Is it true? I mean, you'd know, wouldn't you? Or does Shore not trust you with private information?"  Orange clenched her fists.

"Listen here, you narcissistic june-bug." She snarled. "I don't care what you say about me. You can throw whatever shots you want- I don't care. But when you insult my husband's family- my family- well then you've gone too far."

"Oh really?" Juniper teased. "What're you gonna do about it?" She thought for a moment, then added, "You know Shore settled for you because I turned him down, right? Or did he not bother to tell you that, either?" 

The smug grin was wiped from Juniper's face as Orange's fist collided with it. Juniper dropped to the ground, clutching her jaw with a cry of pain.

Orange didn't walk away though. She dropped to her knees beside Juniper and kept punching, blood spraying the platform. Juniper growled and clawed at Orange, but Orange was a better fighter, and much more experienced. 

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE CRUEL TO EVERYONE?"Orange demanded, clawing at Juniper's face as they fought.

"I just say what I see!" Juniper spat at her. "What's true, and what no one else will admit!" She shoved at Orange, and Orange allowed herself to be pushed back.

"You say what you see, huh?" She panted, remembering all the times Juniper had messed with her head- all the awful things she had said to Shore, to his family- To her family. 

"Well then," Orange snarled. "Maybe you shouldn't be able to see at all." She lunged, tackling Juniper to the ground, and her claws reached toward the Rainwing's eye.

Juniper's scream echoed through the forest, and before Orange knew what was happening, there were guards pulling her away from Juniper.

Guards that weren't going to be friendly.

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