Are We Related?

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The next day, Thistle found himself by the river that ran through Possibility, hanging out with Dusk's kids, Russet and Sage, and Cypress and Anaconda's dragonets, Mora, Fen, and Fawn, who had shown up earlier than Adobe had thought.

"What's it like living on an island?" Sage questioned. "It must get boring." Thistle shook his head.

"No, it's lots of fun. You can fly for miles and nobody cares. You can go swimming, catch crabs. All kinds of stuff." Russet crinkled his snout.

"I thought Sandwings hated water." He admitted.

"I guess I'm just an exception to that." Russet shrugged and turned his attention to Mora.

"So! Mora! Have you been to the rainforest lately?" He asked, trying to sound casual. She nodded.

"Oh yeah, things have been crazy there. Did you hear Queen Joy got kidnapped?"

"Um, it's only been EVERYWHERE. Mother was freaking out. But I heard they found her."

"Yeah, she's fine, still as badass as ever. I was there right before we flew here, and last I saw, Wren and Raven were practically joined at the hip, and Parch had basically moved in because Thorn didn't tell him Joy was kidnapped because she knew he'd worry about Rosella, so when he found out, after Joy was found and fine, of course, he went right to the rainforest and hasn't let Rosella out of his sight since, even though all the kidnappers have been dealt with."

"Sounds like someone's following Deathbringer's advice a little too much," Sage declared. "Or, at least, that's what Teal thinks."

"Yes, how IS your boyfriend, Sage?" Sage choked.

"WHAT? Teal is NOT my boyfriend! Not even close! That's disgusting! We're just two intellectuals that keep in touch and argue constantly."

"Sounds like an old married couple to me," Fen piped up.

"Besides, Teal's still in love with Aurora, even thought she doesn't like him."

"Aurora is pretty..." Fen whispered. Fawn grinned and opened her mouth.

"FEN AND AURORA, FLYIN IN THE SKY!" She started yelling, only for Fen to tackle her and shove her face in the river.

"Can't she breathe underwater?" Sage questioned.

"Only for an hour," Fen growled.

"Something tells me Teal doesn't like Aurora so much anymore," Mora commented.

"Speaking of the rainforest," Russet jumped in. "Did you happen to see Aria when you were there?" Mora smirked.

"Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. I can't really remember." His face fell.

"Well, cause, like, she keeps writing me, I think, but none of the letters are in languages I can read... If they're even languages. Sometimes they just look like random letters. She sent me one that said bis dahin Liebe. What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm more impressed that you can say that," Mora admitted. "And yes, I saw her, and she misses you terribly, and something about the stars, yaddah yaddah yaddah, Pax is more important than her, sorry not sorry."

"I really need to go to the rainforest," Thistle insisted. "I barely know who any of these dragons are... Am I even related to any of you through adoption?" They all thought for a moment, running through the complicated family tree.

"We're first cousins," Mora admitted. "Me, Fen and Fawn. Because our mom is your mom's sister. And I think you're related to Aria, Rosella and them because Stream is Kelp's niece, and therefore Ander, Shore, and Rin's cousin, and therefore some sort of relative to Aria, Rosella, Teal and Pax."


"It's complicated."

"That's the understatement of a century."

"Long story short, we all trace back to the Dragonets of Destiny, ta-da." Sage offered. They continued chatting, occasionally splashing in the river, until Fen and Fawn stopped, noticing someone.

"Mora," Fawn started, tugging at her sister. "Who's that?" She pointed, and the others looked. 

"No idea," Mora said. "Anybody?"

"I know him," Thistle frowned. "I saw him yesterday at the marketplace."

"Who is he?"

"I don't know," Thistle narrowed his eyes. "I think he's following me, but I don't know why."

"He kinda looks like you," Sage admitted. Thistle's frown deepened.

Who was this guy?

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