Ciao, You're Gonna Die Now.

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Downstairs was a hallway lined with cells and rooms. Cells that had dragons in them, and rooms leading into what they could only presume was where the experiments really went on.

The group tore through the cells, searching for their friends and letting out as many dragons as they could. Parch halted at one of the rooms, six strong looking dragons standing around as a blue hybrid cowered on the floor, looking fearful.

Parch blinked. He'd never seen Rosella look afraid before. Rage boiled up in him as the other dragons spotted him and grabbed their weapons, growling.

"Oh Hi," Parch offered casually. "Hello. Ciao. You're all gonna die now." One of the dragons dared to laugh.

"It's six against one, kid." He snarled. "Not very fair odds."

"You know, you're right." Parch agreed. "It's not fair. You guys don't stand a chance." 

"Huh?" One of the guards frowned, and then Parch launched at them, ready to kill.

And kill he did.

Teal had followed the sound of a scream to the room, and he froze in horror at the sight before him.

Parch was ripping dragons three times his size to shreds without a second thought. It wasn't until he was slicing one of the dragon's throats that he glanced up and noticed Teal was even there.

But it wasn't the murder itself that slightly terrified Teal.

It was the look on Parch's face. It was completely indifferent, like the look you would have on your face while you were slicing vegetables, not caring. 

There was no anger, no remorse for murdering any of these dragons. No guilt or hatred or fear haunted Parch's face. He looked like this was just some meager task. Take out the trash, rip out this guy's eyes. What's the difference?

Parch was a cold blooded killer, Teal realized as the last guard dropped dead on the ground. That was what had always unnerved Teal about him. 

A cold blooded killer, his mind continued, as Parch dropped the weapon he'd had and darted over to Rosella, who remained curled up in a ball on the floor. A cold blooded killer is in love with my sister.

"Sellie?" Parch asked gently, as if he hadn't just murdered six dragons without a second thought. "Sellie, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you out of here, alright? It's all over now. They're not going to hurt you anymore, I promise."

Rosella flung her arms around him, burying her head in his shoulder. Parch held her tight, neither of them caring that he was covered in blood. 

But Teal cared. Teal was horrified at what he had witnessed, and utterly stunned at the fact that Rosella didn't care at all.

"Teal!" Deathbringer's voice called out suddenly, and the assassin came running down the hall. "What-" He stopped, glancing in the room and taking in the scene. A crying Rosella, a bloodstained Parch hugging her, the six dismembered corpses on the floor.

"Did he...?" Deathbringer started to ask.

"Without even hesitating." Teal said in shock. 

"Huh." Deathbringer offered. "Not bad."

"Not bad?" Teal echoed, alarmed. Parch was a psychopath! Deathbringer shrugged.

"He'd make a good assassin if his work wasn't so messy." He explained. Teal started at him like he'd grown an extra head. "Parch, come on, we gotta get out of here." 

Parch nodded and whispered to Rosella, who shook her head, clinging to him. So Parch picked her up, bridal style, and carried her out of the room.

"Let's go." He offered. 

"You should try less blood next time," Deathbringer advised. "It leaves too much evidence behind."

"I was a little mad." Parch said coldly, and Teal was positive that, if given the chance, Parch would murder all of those dragons again, just as brutally as he had the first time.

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