Chapter 12

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Hiya my lovelies! Hope your having a good night or day 😘😘
I'm so sorry I haven't been active lately, at the moment I've had to concentrate on getting by motorbike license so that's been a pain in the ass but getting there bit by bit. I definatly owe you all a chapter though. I think you all know me well by now.
Here's a chapter 12 just for you.

TimeSkip~ One Week Later

Clementine's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open to the cold surroundings. It has been a whole week and we were still in the cell. I've been counting the days since they took us, I couldn't stop thinking about Aj...
I'l come back for you goofball.
Louis too. And all the others.
It hasn't been long, but it's felt like we have been here for months. I've gotten use to the Delta's Community, how things are run thanks to Genevieve, a girl I met a few nights after my enamorous encounter with Louis.

That night was Heaven on Earth.

Me and Gen have been put together to work a few times on various jobs around the town, fixing pipes, working in the greenhouse, loading magazines, it reminded me of Howe's. This place would have completely destroyed Carver's Community. The Delta were so cunning and prepared, the only way out of here was luck and sneaking out undetected, but then they would just hunt you down like animals anyway, Gen was a really easy person to get on with, maybe it was just me but apart from being headstrong and reliable, she was also easy to talk to, a few days ago we were out fixing the back walls close to the dining hall for the people that earned their place, she snapped at one of the guards watching over us and told him to fuck off. I didn't see her for 2 days after that. She told me they kept her hanging upside down for a day. A day. She was a tough as nails. I've also been getting on well with Ash, he seemed very interested in helping my group escape, he might even come back to the school with us when we regroup our fight agaisnt Bates and Lily. As i've gotten to know him better he really does seem like a great guy, Gen mentioned she has a crush on him, which was surprising that she admitted to it, that was the kind of girl Gen was. She didn't give a shit. She also mentioned that there are possibilities of escaping, she came close once but they caught her hand inside the cookie jar, she specified that she was close to death. I asked her how.
She didn't answer.
It turned out that Lily wasn't even in charge of the place. It was Bates.
He called on me a few times last week to fix his house's roof.
He gave me the fucking creeps.
I haven't talk to Louis about it, but at the moment it is completely irrelevant to our desperate matter. Speaking of Louis, I've noticed he has been more tired than usual, at night he practically clings to me, It was the only time we could be together, at night. I miss him so much during the day, he was always appointed to work apart from me. He was out like a light at night. I carefully stretch, not very successful though, Louis has his arm hugging onto me tightly, his leg wrapped around mine, his head nuzzled in my neck, I can feel his calm, soothing heartbeat against my chest, his calm breathing melts my heart. He was just too adorable. I wish it could be like this always. I would never let him go. He was one of the two most precious things in my life. Aj being the other one. They were all that mattered to me. Louis said the other night that he misses Aj. My boys deserved to be together. Not apart like this. The whole situation is complete Insanity.
I believe that everything that has happened to me has been for a reason. Lee died to protect me. It was impossible for me to think about him most of the time. His bittersweet look, the pain and sadness in eyes, yet a rare hint of relief when he knew I was safe when I pointed the gun at his head, then after Omid and Christa's care, I found Luke, Pete, Kenny, Rebecca, Alvin, Sarah, Aj.
I did everything i could to protect him, I joined the New Frontier out of desperation, stole medicine under their noses. I don't regret it though. Aj was all I had. Until i found Louis. I was lucky. So very lucky.

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