Chapter 16

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First things first I apoligise for not releasing a chapter yesterday I was dragged out by a friend to watch Goosebumps 2 in the cinema and it was fucking terrible so you guys should watch Halloween instead if your planning to go 😂😂😂
I came back home to write another chapter instead so enjoy lovely. 😘💕
And there are only 54 DAYS TILL CHRISTMASSSSS!!! 🎄
Clementine's P.O.V

As Chester walks me to Bates house I start to doubt Bates true intentions, it was clear that Lily was hiding something, I start to think it was about him. Which scared me that she was so hesitant to tell me. She didn't need to tell me to not trust him, I got that impression since the day I met him. The man was cunning and seemed wise, but also very threatening and alarming. Like he had two different personas.
Charming and Satan.
I had no idea what he wanted, anxiously crossing my arms protectivly around my body, Chester nocks on the door, leaving me stand at his side. Chester seemed to trust me. I didn't want to fight him, he was an okay guy.

"Morning Chester". Bates announces in a sing song way, opening his door widder, then spotting me looking down at my feet, my cap covering my face.

"Hello sweetheart". His tone chilling, making the hairs on my skin spike upwards in disgust.

"Clementine it's not polite to-"

"Don't worry Chester il talk to her about her behaviour". He says interrupting him.

"Go on". Chester encourages me to go inside, I obey, striding by Bates side.

"Thanks a bunch Chester", "Keep me informed on Lily's team".

"Yes Bate". He declares marching away from the house.

"Come in hunny and take a seat".
He says smiling down at me.

Taking a seat in his living room, he quickly scurries in after me.

"Clementine would you take a seat on the sofa".




As I take my seat, briefly enjoying the warmth of the room, the squeaking of the leather sofa makes me cringe, I sit with my arms wrapped around me still, legs locked together tightly.
He towers over me, dominantly, I can feel his glare radiating from his face.

"Clementine you look at me when you are with me".

I look up, not wanting to get in trouble, his face is hardened and determined. But why?

"Now hunny" "We need to discuss your unacceptable behavior".


"Rory told me your boyfriend threatened him" "Grabbing his gun" "You realise that the penalty of disobeying your superiors is death".

My heart stopped, my head going fuzzy, I am in shook, not realising my head stare mindlessly at the floor.
Is Louis-?

"No" "All that are brought here get a second change" "I am a forgiving man Clementine".

"Then"..."Why the hell are you-"

"Be carefull little missy" "I'm going to start making some rules between us".

"Us"? What the fuck...


His voice making me jump and squirm in the seat as he looks down.

"Always assert me as Sir".

I just stare, I couldn't believe this guy was real.

"If you break any rules their will be consequences".

"Wait what does Louis's actions have to do with me"? Raising my voice.

"Nothing" "If you cannot control him from now on I'm sure he will make excellent walker bait".

I begin to scowl at him.

"You don't have to worry about Louis". "Today I would say he understands to not disobey us again".

""? Pausing at each word, not wanting to really know the answer to the question.

"That is none of your concern".

Oh god, Louis.

"And last but most importantly".
"You will do everything I tell you to do".
"Do not disobey or their will be harsh consequences".
"If I haven't made myself clear then I dont know what else I can do to make you see my way without punishing you".

He continues to look down. Trying to see passed my cap hiding my face.

"Understood"? He says, his hands resting on his hips.

After what he said about Louis, and what Lily said, I believe her.
This sack of shit is the reason we were all here.
THIS guy was the one responsable for making children's lives misery. And even adults.
With that, I couldn't stop myself from saying...

"FUCK.YOU." "Go choke on your pathetic rules and when your done gagging them up you can shove them right up your ass". "SIR". I spit, putting emphasis on sir. His faint smile begins to fade. His blue eyes stare creepily into my mine, setting my world to ash. I couldn't resist spewing my hate at him. This guy deserved to be below dirt.

Without hesitation, the man swiftly grabs my wrist, catching me by suprise, I grunt, attempting to fight back, he sits onto the sofa, it squeaks as he makes contact with it, pushing me towards him infront, he wraps his arm around my hips and lays me across his legs flat on my stomach. I stuggle agaisnt his touch, squirming, anything I could in the moment to escape.


Still in attempt for freedom. I feel a very harsh hand slap my behind, making hard contact, extremely horrified, my whole body STOPS.
I stare blankly at the sofas rought cushiony surface, his hand tightly wrapped around my wrists.

"That's right" "Don't move or this will get worse you hear me"? He says dominantly.

I cannot speak. My lips seemed to be stuck together, not wanting to move.

"Answer me Clementine".
He declares.

"Ye-yes Sir". I whisper, scared.

"Good girl". He mumbles, I see his thumb begin to caress my fingers. I involuntarily vomit in my mouth, quickly swallowing it down hard. Cringing at the taste of acid in the back of my throat.

His voice trailing off, I feel his hand snaking beneath my lower abdomen, he begins to unzip my jeans underneath.

Oh my god...

My mouth has gone dry, I begin to shake and shiver in fear.
Whatever happens. I will NOT cry.

His dirty hands trail off back to my behind, and starts to peel my pants down, revealing my black underwear. I wince, hearing his breathing become heavier.

"This is what will happen if you misbehave Clementine". "Your not going to misbehave again are you"?

"No". I whimper.

I feel his hand then grab my cheek, squeezing it gently.

"Clementine". "I'm going to slap you 20 times". "You are going to sit there and not struggle". "The more you struggle". "The more you get". "Am I understood"?

Tears begin to spring to my eyes.
Please no. Please let this be a dream. PLEASE.

"Yes, Sir". I wail.

"This is going to hurt". He mutters, squeezing my cheek tightly, then sending the first blow.

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