Chapter 21

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Louis's P.O.V

I'm going to spare you the gory details of Clementine's suturing.
All in all.
It felt like someone was poaring fucking lava on my arm.
Tanya kept having to hold me down onto the bed but what do they expect she was sticking a needle through my bare skin.
Anyways getting through it I ended up sitting alone by the fire contemplating my life.
For 2 minutes.

"Louis how are you feeling"?
Clem asks, joining me by sitting at my side by the fire in the middle of the yard.

"My arm is on fire"...
I wince, crossing my legs while Clem relaxingly places her hand on my knee, caressing it lightly.

"You weren't that bad"..."I think"...

"How do you know how to stitch so well"?

"I was bit by a dog when I was 11, I had to stitch myself up alone in a shed".

My girlfriend scared me at times, how strong she could be. But that never stopped me from loving every inch of her.

"Damn". I pout, lowering my head until she smoothly motions her hand to my cheek, raising my head making our eyes click together.

"Hey, don't worry about me". She whispers.

Her eyes looked so beautiful reflecting the fire's flames, her black curls dangling down her face forming her complexion brighten up, making her irresistible. My face begins to tremble, going soft, I can't resist. Pulling in fast I kiss her lips, bewildered in the moment, our kiss feeling like we were floating in a sky full of stars. Our lips moving in sync, I begin to press on harder complely loosing myself in our heated kiss.
She made me feel so good.
She made me feel whole in ways that people I have been living with my whole life meant nothing without her. I had plenty of reasons to fight, but moments like these made life bliss.

After a few moments pass the yard door begins to produce loud thumping noises making us pull both pull away.

"Could you guys keep it down holding a grown ass teanager down for 20 minutes really takes the wind out of you"!

"Tanya we have a situation"! I call out, us both jumping up worried what could be banging on the other side of the door.

"Wha-"? She mumbles walking over to us rubbing her eyes still in her sleepy trance.

"HELP"!!! Voices shout on the other side

"It's a fucking trap I bet it's those Delta bitches or some Kingdom soldiers". Tanya states crossing her arms, standing her ground.

"Keep it shut". Clem declares

"But what if it isn't Clem".

"If we let them in they might kill or take us I'M NOT taking that chance".

"Clementine they could be hurt". I cry

"YOUR HURT"! "I'm NOT taking that chance so quit it". She spits


"ROBBIE"?! Tanya cries, running over to the yard door, pulling onto the handle relentlessly.

"Guys help me with this"!! Tanya cries

Clementine quickly rushes to the metal shelves and finds a very rusty old screwdriver, desperately trying to open the door there is no luck.

"Move aside girls".
I insist, I manage to forcefully open the door. Rushing in Robbie, Omar and Aasim nearly fall over eachother as I pull the door wide open then quickly shutting it tight, with Clementine's help we manage to pull another shelf covering the door completly.

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