Chapter 27

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Louis's P.O.V

The world stops momentarily as I breath in her rousing, heavenly scent. My girlfriend was shivering. Bates was finally gone. I have never killed anyone before in my life. Let alone unarmed.
But I have no regrets. I would have done anything to protect Clementine.
Anyone who comes imbetween us.
Will wind up DEAD on my watch.

Pulling away slowly from our loving embrace, I see Clems face. All red and puffy from crying so much, which broke my heart.

"We have to go, do you understand"? I firmly ask, cupping her wet cheeks.

She was distressed, yet visibly at ease. She only noods her head.

"Come on". I murmur, holding her hand, swiftly pulling up we charge for the door leading to the strairs.
Hastily descending the stairs back to the square. I lead Clementine down, not letting go of her hand.
We were quite high up, so we had to hurry, we didn't have much time until the herd came. When they do.
There will be no stopping them.
The town will fall. I had to get everyone out, maybe if we changed our course to the west side we could sneak around the herd and trail south. Or maybe even wait it out until it passed us.


Stopping in our tracks only a few feet away from the exit. Asha was pointing her gun at Clementine.
Blocking our only means of liberation.

"Asha what are you doing"? I frantically ask, pulling myself infront of Clem in case she shot.

"Why did you do this Louis"? "I thought-"! Her voice was trailing off. Shaky and confused.

"Asha put it down".
"You can come with us, if you want".
"Just put the gun down".

"The Delta's was my home Louis". "Your people...your girlfriend". "They took it from me and turned it into ash".

"No". "I decided this too your people never gave us a choice". I snarl.

"You could have been safer here Louis". "With me".

I feel Clementine's flinch, I feel her intense gaze on the back of my neck staring me down.

"Louis what is she talking about"? Clementine rushing her words.

"He was going to be mine".
"Until you came back into the picture, I begged Bates into granting him first string but he never did".
"Not unless you did too".
"Then we both would get what we wanted". Her tone unsettling and fragmented.

"He was NEVER yours". "And he never will be". Clementine menaces, spitting at Asha as she slowly came from behind me to my side.

"I'm going to kill you Clementine".


Making us both jump out of our skin as Asha's head bounces on floor. Jill stood behind her, drenched in blood and smoke.

"Fucking bitch". She sighs
"Let's go you two".

Clementine's P.O.V

Continuing to follow Jill into the thick of battle. I couldn't stop thinking about that crazy bitch. Louis never told me about her. I will admit.
I was jealous.
I had never been so confused.
Of course I was too busy dodging and covering from the guards along with Louis and Jill to even think about Asha.
From the looks of it, our people were winning. I would have to say based on past experiences we had ten minutes before the first walker would step through the south gate. We had to hasten ourselves.

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