Don't Mock Me!

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The sun has gone down hours later, the street lights come on, and the nightly residents become restless.


One home body only adventures, on to their fire escape. For some alone time, and to clear their head.


While another apartment dweller, climbs down the fire escape. Looking to get into trouble.


"Shit..." A man sighs with a slight laugh.

"You again." The brunette rolls her eyes.

"You're hot..." The man states surprised.

"I know, I was just cleaning for six hours. I came out here to cool off." The brunette says, as she gets to her feet.

"No I mean you're-" he gestures to her body. "I didn't get to actually look at you. Well until right now..."

"Yeah because a busted lip, an aggressive and very stalker-ish father. Is a hot background for someone to have?" The brunette says sarcastically.

"You're not the only one, with Daddy issues you know." The man shrugs.

"Is that supposed to make me like you?" The brunette asks annoyed.

"My Dad abandoned me." The man states.

"Wanna trade?" The brunette asks. "Mine doesn't love me. He's just a huge, abusive control freak obviously."


"How many times, has he hit you before?" The man asks, reaching out to touch her lip.

"Don't touch me!" The brunette snaps, slapping his hand away. "That's none of your business! You're on your way out, so why don't you just piss off?"

"I'm just trying to-" The Man tosses his hands.


The brunette walks to her window.


"Hey!" The man grabs her arm.


The brunette eyes widen in a moment of fear, she locks eyes with him, and then she hides her fear with anger.


"Not every guy you come across. Is trying to hurt you, or will hurt you." The man calmly states.

"Yeah? And where would he be? Neverland? Because he doesn't exist?" The brunette asks angrily.

"No he's already escaped Neverland." The man whispers.

"Are you mocking me?" The brunette asks annoyed, pulling her arm free.

"Sweetheart, the things I could tell you. You wouldn't believe me." The man chuckles lightly.


The brunette scoffs, she climbs through her window, and she grabs the frame to close it.


"Look if you want to, maybe talk once things have calmed down." The man grabs the window frame.


The brunette stares at him, holding onto her anger.


"I'll leave my window open." The man smiles.

"Fat chance!" The woman makes a face.


The man holds up his hands, letting go of the window frame, and he steps back.


The brunette closes and locks her window.

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