Late Night Talks

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After her hour long shower, Lilly wonders out to the living room.


Dylan and Jennifer are sharing Dylan's bed.


Neal is asleep on the couch.


Lilly grabs a bottle of water, and then she walks back to Jenner's room.


Lilly's leg accidentally brushes against, Neal's hand hanging off the side. While she's walking by.


Neal stirs slightly.


Lilly doesn't notice.


In Jennifer's bedroom, Lilly opens the window, and she climbs onto the fire escape.


Lilly sits on the fire escape, she looks down at the people below.


"Hey." A voice says sleepily.


Lilly jumps slightly.


"Neal? Did I wake you?" Lilly asks, surprised to see him.

"Kind of, but not necessarily." Neal shrugs, as he leans out the window.

"Sorry, you should go back to sleep." Lilly cringes.

"Come inside, you'll freeze out there." Neal gestures to himself.


Lilly smiles.


"I'll be able to sleep, when I know you're inside." Neal smiles, with a shake of his head.

"You're a big softy aren't you?" Lilly teases, as she crawls back to the window.

"Not all the time." Neal scoffs.


Lilly sits on her knees in front of the window.


"For you-" Neal tisks. "Apparently I'm always a softie."

"Oh, just for little old me?" Lilly teases.

"Get inside, get your butt in bed, and go to sleep!" Neal demands with a chuckle.


Lilly giggles as Neal helps her inside.


"Now go to bed." Neal playfully shoves Lilly towards the bed.


"Uh, no! You refer to me as Bae." Neal pokes Lilly's nose.


Lilly goes cross-eyed.


Neal laughs.


"Fine, Bae." Lilly rolls her eyes.

"Yes?" Neal chuckles.


Lilly hesitates as she frowns.


"What?" Neal asks concerned.

"Never mind." Lilly shakes her head.

"Lilly, tell me." Neal gently grabs her arm.

"I think Jennifer, Dylan and, I need to leave New York." Lilly confesses sadly.

"Oh." Neal's heart drops.

"Jennifer suggested the idea. Before all of this happened... But I refused the idea, and now-"

"No I get it." Neal nods.

"Why don't you come with us?" Lilly suggests.

"I-I-I can't right now." Neal shakes his head.

"Oh. That's fine." Lilly's heart hurts. "I should get to bed."


Neal nods as they go to their separate sleeping areas.

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