Ch. 11

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Batman, Robin, and Danny were in the batcave. Batman was trying to remove the straight jacket.  

It was hard because Danny kept on cackling and moving around.

"Hehehe he heh hahaha!"

"Hold still."

"I I can't... haha, what's wrong with me hahaha. I can't stop laughing hahaha hehehe!"

Danny keeps on moving some more. After about an hour of trying with no avail; the two heros gave up.

"What's wrong with Danny," Robin asks.

"Not sure, but I think he has been drugged up with Joker venom."

"We should do a reading on him," Robin says, "to figure out exactly what us wrong with him."

"Yeah," Batman says as he picks up the temporarily sleeping Danny.

He realizes just ho frail and underweight Danny had gotten over the past couple of months.

"We have to make sure to put your big brother on a diet when he gets better. So he can be at a more average, and healthier weight."

"Yeah you said Bruce, he looks like a twig. I could probably snap him in two if I tried," Dick mumbled.

Bruce set Danny down on the metal table, so he could take a few test on him.

He turned on the equipment so he could monitor Danny's body.

Bruce clicked the monitor a few times. "It seems the venom has already poisoned his blood stream. Then it won't be long before it takes over his mind," Bruce continues. 

"Then there will be no way to stop it and he will probably be sent to the one and only, Arkham Asylum. With all the other insane criminals in this city."

Dick gasps, his brother being sent to Arkham Asylum. 

His brother is not insane, at least that is not what he thought.

Alfred comes down into the batcave. "Will he be alright, Master Bruce?"

"I believe he will be alright; we just have to hope and pray."

"I believe you are right Master Bruce," he walks over to where Danny is sleeping.

Danny suddenly opens his eyes, he screams. There is sweat spewing down his forehead. 

He is breathing heavily. Bruce comes over to put his hand on Danny's shoulder.

Danny lookes up and id is relieved to see that it was jus Bruce. He look around and sees Alfred and Dick.

Suddenly, Danny starts to laugh, he laughs, and laughs. He laughs so hard that he falls off the bed.

Bruce, Alfred, and Dick just look at Danny with shock. Danny was just laying on the ground, laughing.

"What should we do, he won't stop laughing?" Dick asks

"Something," Bruce replies

Bruce walks over to Danny and injects a needle into his skin. Danny stops laughing, he tties to get off the ground, but he can't. 

He falls back to ground on his knees. "What did y- you do to me?" He asks as he falls to the ground, going stiff.

"I gave him a sedative, to help him sleep. Which by my guess he needs some sleep."

He picks him up and takes him to his  old room. He lays him down on his bed and watches him sleep soundlessly. 

"Good night son."

Bruce leaves knowing that he will not get a reply.

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