Ch. 12

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Danny wakes up he looks around and sees that he is in a dark room. He reaches for the lamp by his bed.

Danny accidently falls off the bed and hits the floor. There's a thump and someone opens the door. He looks up and sees Dick-head standing in the door.

"Hey, Danny how've you been?"

"I've been better, honestly. How long have I been out for?"

"About a week." He says

"Oh well I guess I should get up, shouldn't I?"

Danny tries to get up but struggles. Like I have not used my legs in months.

"You should rest, you had a few hard weeks."

"No thanks, Dick-head, I don't need help. What I need is a hand he says," sticking it out.

Dick grabs it and pulls him up. "You're so stubborn."

I chuckle, "I know, you don't got to remind me."

Danny gets up but staggers, he uses Dick as a sort of cane. 

Dick helps Danny out of the room. They walk into the dining room and they see Alfred and Bruce. They stare at the two protégés.

"Danny's stubborn and hard headed, he wanted to get out of bed, not my fault."

"You got that right, and you can tell me no all you want, but I won't listen."

"You should be in bed."

"Your right I should, but I'm not going to, and you can't make me," I chuckle but it shortly turns into a cough.

I let go of Dick and fall to my knees. I cough some more, and wipe spit of my lips. I look at my hand and see some blood.

There is some blood on the floor. I must of coughed up some blood. 

I see a hand and look up, and see Bruce. He has his hand up I take it and he pulls me up.

"You should really be getting back to bed. Before you kick the dust."

"No, if I die, I die," I say sternly. "I'm not going back into bed. I was there for a whole week, I ain't going back."

"Your are stubborn, very well, go get something to eat, kid."

Danny walks to the fride takes out a sandwich and goes to the chair at the dining table.

He finishes it and get up and starts to walk around the table to the other side of the room. He winces as a small shot of pain goes through his body.

Danny almost falls but uses the chair for help. Dick walks forward wanting to help me.

"I don't need your help, I can walk on my own little dude."

"What I'm not little, I'm eleven almost twelve years old."

Danny chuckles, "Well I'm thirteen and I tell ya that I don't need help. So shut your trap, you little weasle."

Dick looks like he is about to say something but quickly closes it.

Danny grunts, "That's what I thought." 

"I'm going to bed, don't come after me. If you do I slaughter you Hehehe... just kidding, maybe."

He walks up the stairs using the railing for support.



See ya'll next time

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