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  Fireheart padded into the medicine den, squeezing between the two rocks that marked the entrance to it. Cinderpaw lay in a round ball of fur, resting peacefully. Her leg was splayed out in front of her so that she didn't put any pressure on it while resting.

Yellowfang sat nearby, her eyes glowing in the shadier part of the den. "Fireheart," she greeted. "Cinderpelt should be able to walk soon. She's getting much better."

Fireheart nodded slowly, his eyes still on Cinderpaw's breathing form. He waited for more, then slowly looked up to meet Yellowfang's serious yet sad eyes. "But?" He swallowed.

"I'm afraid she will not be able to continue her warrior duties."

Fireheart heard a small hitch in Cinderpaw's breathing, and he immediately looked in her direction. "Cinderpaw?"

The apprentice opened her eyes, lifting her head to meet Fireheart's gaze. Then she turned away, a look of sadness plastered over her face. Yellowfang stood, leaving the den quietly.

"I'm sorry, Cinderpaw."

"No, I'm sorry. I failed you as an apprentice, Fireheart. I-" Cinderpaw took a deep breath.

Fireheart padded over to where she sat, her body shaking. He wrapped his tail around her shoulders in a comforting manner. "You didn't fail me, Cinderpaw. You're the best apprentice any mentor could ask for. You're fearless, you always put others ahead of you, and you're hard-working. I'm sure you'll do great as a medicine cat, Cinderpaw. Next time I'll be looking to you for help."

Cinderpaw shook her head. "That's not it." Oh Fireheart, you don't know what happened last season.

"Fireheart! Bluestar wants us to carry out a hunting patrol. Cinderpaw, how're you feeling?" Sandstorm poked her head into the medicine den, interrupting Fireheart before he could say anything.

Cinderpaw tried sounding cheerful. "Doing better!" but deep inside, a gnawing worry ate at her heart. Jealousy also climbed into her mind when she saw the way Fireheart and Sandstorm stared at each other, both obviously not wanting to speak to each other but not being able to hide the chemistry.

She felt like a third-wheel.

"If you ever need anything, just tell me. I'll be here for you." Fireheart rested his muzzle on Cinderpaw's head, then left. Leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She could still remember it - the day the accident happened.

"What are you doing here?" Tigerclaw snarled, lips curled back. "It's supposed to be Bluestar, or even Fireheart. Not you!"

"Don't you dare harm Fireheart!" Cinderpaw snapped, her heart beating with fear but adrenaline and a fire inside of her pushing her on.

At first Tigerclaw looked slightly shocked, then he broke into an amused purr. "Someone has a soft spot for the kittypet, doesn't she?" He paused, looking at Cinderpaw for her reaction. She tried not to move a muscle, her body quivering with tension. "But it doesn't look like he likes her much - he's too busy spending all his time with Sandstorm."

Cinderpaw leapt, but with one slash Tigerclaw flung her away. She landed on the grass with a loud thump.

"Tigerclaw, stop." Dustpelt whispered quietly. His back bore his own punishment from Tigerclaw, claw marks streaked with his blood.

Tigerclaw turned his burning amber eyes on Dustpelt, madness glazing his eyes. "You're telling me to stop? Hmm, I think you haven't learned your lesson yet, Dustpelt."

Far away there was a loud, shrieking sound of something like thunder. Tigerclaw's eyes lit up with delight. Turning back to Dustpelt, Tigerclaw gestured to Cinderpaw with his tail. "I order you to push Cinderpaw in the middle of the Thunderpath and pin her down until the monster comes up. You can leave only after she's hurt."

"No." Dustpelt's eyes widened. "No, you can't mean that Tigerclaw."

Tigerclaw snarled, spittle flying out of his mouth. "Do it, or you'll be the one there instead."

Dustpelt shook his head violently. "I can't do that Tigerclaw."

The monster rolled into sight, its thunderous sound reverberating in their ears. Tigerclaw narrowed his eyes. "You can, and you will."

The monster drew nearer. Tigerclaw pounced on Dustpelt, snagging his fur in his jaw before dragging him over to Cinderpaw. Cinderpaw glanced at Dustpelt, fear in her eyes.

The monster chugged closer and closer.

Dustpelt was pushed forward by a nudge from Tigerclaw, the large warrior pinning Dustpelt to the spot. "Do it," he whispered into his ear.

The monster was only a few fox lengths away when Dustpelt slashed Tigerclaw's belly. The large warrior shrieked in pain and Dustpelt twisted out of his grasp, running towards the safety of the woods. "Run, Cinderpaw!" He yelled over his shoulder.

Cinderpaw, frozen for a second, realised what had happened and tried to run as well. But Tigerclaw was faster, his paw flashing out and pushing her back towards him - back towards the Thunderpath.

Screaming, she tumbled over - right into the monster's path. 

Author's Note:

AHH this story has been dead for a long time, hasn't it? :') 

I'm back:) holidays are coming soon and I'm super happy to finally be able to focus more on writing, drawing, and all the other things I haven't been able to do. I'm so excited for Christmas although it's like a month away - is it just me? Yes? Okayyy.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully the next time I update it won't take this long :3 thank you all for your support so far <3


PS : thank you guys so much for 1K!! I don't deserve this :(

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