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Bluestar's fiery blue gaze pinned Dustpelt to the spot, Tigerclaw standing next to her with a small smirk on his face.

 “What is the meaning of this? Tigerclaw tells me you've been picking fights with ShadowClan just because of the border conflict again.” Bluestar's tail flicked to point at his body that still bore Tigerclaw's claw marks. “I don't want to see you with anymore injuries like that.”

 Dustpelt winced, bowing his head. “Yes, Bluestar.” he muttered. Tigerclaw's amber gaze held a look of satisfaction as he stretched lazily.

 “You're causing much shame to the warrior code and to our clan, Dustpelt. I trust that this will not happen again?” Tigerclaw was clearly mocking him.

 Cinderpaw watched from the medicine den, pity and anger battling each other at how Tigerclaw was treating Dustpelt.

 Tigerclaw stepped closer, wanting to intimidate Dustpelt when a sandy flash stopped him in his tracks.

 Sandstorm's green eyes blazed in defiance. “Even if Dustpelt was fighting with the ShadowClan cats, I'm sure he was merely trying to protect our name. Besides, I've never once seen him cause a fight with any of the Clans. Do you have proof of him doing so?”

 Dustpelt looked up at the sound of Sandstorm's voice. Gratitude flitted across his eyes.

 Before Tigerclaw could say anything, Bluestar cut in. “Enough. I don't want anything like this to happen again.

 Tigerclaw glared at Sandstorm, but sulkily stalked away. “Don't be a coward, Tigerclaw - you should stop blaming cats for your faults.” Sandstorm called after him.

 Tigerclaw spun around, but Sandstorm held her ground, her anger matching his. By now most of the Clan was gathered around them. Including Fireheart.

 Thank you, Sandstorm. Cinderpaw thought, watching coolly as the scene played out. Her heart kicked up again when she saw Fireheart step in between the two cats.

 “Tigerclaw, I believe it is time for you to assign us to patrols?” He looked at the deputy with a calm expression.

 Tigerclaw hissed angrily, then padded away.

 When Fireheart turned to talk to Sandstorm, he found her already talking with Dustpelt, back facing him. Annoyance crept into his tone, “Sandstorm-”

 “Thanks for trying to help.” She said over her shoulder, not bothering to turn to face him. She continued talking to Dustpelt, but Fireheart couldn't hear what she was saying. Neither did he care, because he was ticked off at what she had said.

 “Trying to help?” Fireheart repeated in an incredulous tone.

 “Yes. Trying to help.” Sandstorm replied, finally turning around to face him. He could tell she was annoyed by the way her tail was twitching. But he was annoyed too.

 “Can I talk to you for a moment?” Fireheart asked. Dustpelt's head popped over Sandstorm's shoulder, then he walked around to sit next to her. “Alone?” He emphasised.

 “What would you like to speak to her alone for?” Dustpelt asked, hostility clear in his voice.

 “About things you don't need to know about.” Fireheart snapped, tired of his suspicion.

 “Oh really? I think whatever you have to say to her, you can say it in front of me, too.”

 “No. I'm pretty sure she wants her own privacy.”

 “With you? No, she detests you.”

 “Even if she did, how would you know?”

 “Because she's my best friend and-”

 “Pfft, you're just jealous that she doesn't like you.”

 “And you think she likes you?”

 “Stop it.” Sandstorm snapped. “Who are you to speak for me?” She glared at the two bristling toms.

 Standing, she walked out of camp, glancing at Fireheart to follow her.

 “What did you want to talk to me about?” Sandstorm found a small space in the middle of some bushes and sat down.

 “I know you're still mad at me about the Spottedleaf thing-”

 “Who said I was mad?” Sandstorm snapped, bristling slightly.

 “Would you just let me finish?” Fireheart sighed. “You get so worked up over things before I even say them.”

 Sandstorm opened her mouth to protest, then shut it. Her green eyes blazed.

 “I understand you're mad at me, but you don't have to keep treating me this way.”

  “This is how I treat you all the time. What's the difference?”

 “No. You don’t.” Fireheart narrowed his eyes. Sandstorm was fidgeting - and he knew why. Often when she was trying to hide an emotion that she didn't want to feel, she would turn it into anger. “Are you…”

 Sandstorm cut him off. “The question isn't me - it's you. Are you jealous?”

 Fireheart stepped back. “What?”

 “You heard me. Why would you get so worked up over me and Dustpelt talking and him calling me his best friend?” Sandstorm took a step forward, knowing she got the upper hand. “And why would you step in when I stood up for Dustpelt and was willing to suffer the consequences?”

 Fireheart cleared his throat. “First, I didn't get worked up. Second, it was my pride that made me step in. I wasn't about to allow a she-cat, who doesn't know better, to get ripped apart by an angry tom.”

 “Humph. Mousedung.” Sandstorm paused. “Hold on, did you just mock me?”

 “So what if I did? And why do you always have to overthink things between Spottedleaf and I?"

 “Listen, you can accuse me of being jealous, but in reality I don't care whether or not you like a medicine cat just because of her looks and gentleness!” Sandstorm whispered in a soft voice. As she looked up to meet Fireheart's eyes, although she kept her gaze steady, she carried a look of sadness but strained relief - like she had been holding back her feelings for a long time, and finally got to release it.

“Can you believe how dumb you look, Fireheart? Falling in love with a medicine cat whom you barely even knew before she joined StarClan. You can even dream about her and have your fancy delusions about her after you spent a day with me. I have a right to be mad.

 “So..." She trailed off for a second before she cleared her throat and continued, "so don't blame me for defending Dustpelt when he's more worth fighting for. At least he knows what he wants.”

 Turning away, Sandstorm stalked off in a brisk manner, leaving Fireheart alone to process everything that she had just said.

- which was true, in a way.


man I like Sandstorm's sass and how she handles things ;) (just don't get on her bad side like Fireheart - wouldn't want to be in his shoes)

Honestly, in the real series of books if I was Sandstorm I would be mad at Fireheart for how many times he always thinks of Spottedleaf. In this scene I portrayed her to just literally pour out her feelings - because if she didn't, how else would they move on from this problem?

and how does Tigerclaw always seem to manage to get away with everything?

as always, hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

~Jayhow 😜

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