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The wind whipped lashes of rain against his face. Fireheart struggled to get into the medicine den, helping Brackenfur into it. His body was racked with coughs, and he stumbled towards a nearby nest.

Cinderpaw looked up from giving Whitestorm catmint. "Brackenfur!" she cried, rushing to him. Sighing, she listened to his chest. "It's not so serious yet." Turning to her supply of catmint, she hissed worriedly.

"I don't have enough to treat him, and Yellowfang's away at the Moonstone..." She whispered, kneading the ground in worry as she contemplated her options.

Prove it.

Tigerclaw's voice whispered in her ear, and she remembered that night. You give your all to someone who doesn't even acknowledge it. But he does, doesn't he?

As Cinderpaw looked at Fireheart uncertainly, he looked back with a concerned look in his eyes. If he really cared, he would help you.

Her gaze slipped to the entrance of the medicine den, where Tigerclaw sat calmly, watching the situation. He dipped his head when he met her gaze, as though he was reminding her.

"Fireheart, would it be too much to ask of you to go to ShadowClan territory to get more catmint?"

After a moment of silence, Fireheart slowly nodded his head. His eyes flitted worriedly over the sick cats. I need to risk it for the sake of these cats. At the back of his mind, he knew this was just a feeble excuse to the real reason he agreed to help Cinderpaw - he felt that he owed it to her. It was true, the accident only happened because she was trying to help him. Darkstripe's words said that night echoed in his mind, 'we're only caring for Cinderpaw in a way you didn't - and can never do.'

I'll prove them wrong, Fireheart thought sourly. He stood up and left, brushing past Tigerclaw at the entrance. His eyes gleamed as Fireheart left, a part of his plan accomplished.

Sandstorm padded into the camp after a day's hunting. Fireheart had just left camp-- wait, why did it matter to her?

With the day's catch dangling from her mouth, she dropped it at the fresh-kill pile. She forced herself to sit, to not wonder about where Fireheart was going. Her anger towards him was still there, her dignity holding her back from talking to him.

But it wouldn't hurt to just see what he's doing, right? It's called caring - and making sure he wasn't doing anything to bring down the Clan's name. With that, Sandstorm stood up with a slight shake of her head. That's right, I'm just being a responsible Clanmate and making sure he doesn't do anything mouse-brained.

Bounding to the entrance, she caught Fireheart's scent immediately and tracked it to the ShadowClan border.

ShadowClan border? What is he-

Sandstorm ducked into one of the bushes, lying low against the ground as a flock of birds fluttered overhead, sounding an alarm.

A patrol of ShadowClan cats burst from the underbrush, tails flicking in annoyance- with Fireheart standing right in the middle, holding a bundle of catmint in his mouth.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. Sandstorm's mind raced, both insulting him and thinking of ways to get him out of this mess. Bluestar won't be happy, but even Sandstorm could see that he had crossed the border for pure intentions - to get catmint. Why didn't he ask permission first?

"I told you, the catmint was very urgent. I would've gone back to inform you I had taken some catmint after I've given it to my Clan. We're sick, Cinderfur." Fireheart said, standing his ground as he tried to look tall. His head was raised defiantly, eyes locked with the ShadowClan deputy.

Cinderfur's flanks were heaving, and Sandstorm noted the white fur growing on his muzzle. He shook his head, "It is common protocol for you to have asked us first. You could be lying, or sent to check our camp."

Sandstorm almost snorted at the accusation. Fireheart was holding the catmint, plain and clear.

Before Fireheart could defend himself, there was a rustle in the bushes nearby. Tigerclaw and Darkstripe's formidable forms slipped out from the gathering shadows as the sun sank below the clouds.

"Cinderfur," Tigerclaw nodded his head in greeting. The deputy stepped back and dipped his head in return. "Is Fireheart giving you any trouble?"

Cinderfur glanced between Tigerclaw and Fireheart. "Yes. Keep your warriors under control, Tigerclaw."

"I'm sorry," Tigerclaw dipped his head towards the ShadowClan patrol. "We were really in need of the... catmint."

Cinderfur bared his teeth, trying his best to look fierce even though his ribs stood out starkly. "See that it does not happen again, or I will bring this up."

Sandstorm waited as the ShadowClan patrol left, leaving Fireheart behind. Fireheart nodded at Tigerclaw. "Thank you. I was just getting some catmint for Cinderpaw."

"Cinderpaw?" Darkstripe nearly smiled. "Seems like you're keeping your promise, Fireheart."

Fireheart shrugged. "I just wanted to help."

"You mean treat her better." Tigerclaw added in pointedly. "I'm glad, Fireheart. But you shouldn't have crossed the ShadowClan border like that. I have to tell Bluestar, you know."

Sandstorm felt a twinge of jealousy. Promise? What promise? Fireheart and Cinderpaw?

Fireheart picked up the catmint again, flattened his ears and nodded firmly. He pushed past Tigerclaw and Darkstripe, heading to camp himself to meet Bluestar and face the consequences. Sandstorm stood up with a giddy sort of feeling, then realised that Fireheart might need her help.

But is he even worth it, after all that we've been through? And surely Cinderpaw would be there to help him now. Sandstorm thought bitterly. But jealousy wasn't a type of feeling she liked, so as she ran, she got rid of it. He's my Clanmate. I will speak only the truth. Because she knew, someway or another, Tigerclaw was going to twist his words and without a witness, Fireheart might very well be toast. 

AN: adlkjgsl sorry for such a looong time without any update:(  I feel like i've been repeating this too often lol, I just can't find the time to sit down and actually begin to write, or maybe sometimes it's just writer's block. 

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter:) what do you think Tigerclaw is planning? :o

See ya' soon:) 

- Jayhow

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