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There was a commotion outside, cats gathering to hear what had happened while some in the medicine den peeked out.

  Tigerclaw, Darkstripe, and Fireheart stood in the middle of it all. Sandstorm stood nearby, her ears pricked and eyes alert.

  "Bluestar," Tigerclaw called, and it almost looked like he was smirking in victory. 

  The leader padded out of her den, her eyes wincing at the sudden piercing of sunlight after the darkness of her den.

  White sprinkled her muzzle as she slowly stretched, blue eyes taking in the situation. "Tigerclaw? What's the matter?" 

  Tigerclaw stepped forward. "Fireheart crossed the ShadowClan border without permission."

  Fireheart stepped up as well, chest puffed up in defense. "It was for catmint. Cinderpaw ran out of them, and our Clan was in desperate need of it."

  Cinderpaw squeezed in next to Sandstorm, her eyes worried as she thought of what Tigerclaw was planning next. 

  "Cinderpaw, is this true?" Bluestar asked.

  Sandstorm spoke up, cutting Cinderpaw off. "Bluestar, I can vouch for this. I saw Fireheart, and he really did just cross the border for catmint."

  Bluestar coolly looked past Sandstorm, focusing on Cinderpaw. "I asked Cinderpaw, not you."

  Sandstorm flinched, her gaze slipping to Fireheart. He nodded his head towards her, gratitude in his eyes. Then his attention focused on Cinderpaw.

  Sandstorm watched as Cinderpaw confirmed this and Fireheart's eyes fill with pride. 

  Bluestar narrowed her eyes. "As long as they didn't take offense, I don't see why there's such a commotion."

  Tigerclaw lashed his tail in frustration. "He needs to be punished, Bluestar. He should be made an example of, and during the Gathering you should announce his punishment so that all the other Clans know that we take these rules very seriously."

  Bluestar paused. Her eyes landed on Fireheart. "What do you have to say for yourself, Fireheart? Do you think you deserve punishment?"

  Fireheart hesitated. How could he say he didn't need punishment in front of the whole Clan when he did do something wrong?

  "I… I do deserve punishment, Bluestar." He bowed his head in acceptance.

  Sandstorm was about to open her mouth to defend him again, but Cinderpaw beat her to it.

  She limped forward, head tall. "It's actually my fault, Bluestar. I asked him to get more catmint, and… and that's the only reason why he crossed the border. I deserve the punishment."

  "No!" Fireheart broke in. This might be Tigerclaw's plan, to punish Cinderpaw for something she didn't do. Fireheart knew that there was something going on between the two, but he didn't know what. Anyhow, he owed it to Cinderpaw after she sacrificed everything for him to at least protect her. "Don't, Bluestar. I take full blame."

  Tigerclaw hissed, annoyed. I was planning to just get rid of Fireheart, but both would do just fine. "Pathetic. Since they both want punishment so much, I suggest giving them both what they want."

  Bluestar shook her head. "Cinderpaw needs to stay here to take care of the sick. Fireheart, I sentence you to exile only until Yellowfang comes back. I cannot afford to lose any warriors and she may have something to say about it."

  Darkstripe glanced at Tigerclaw, wondering what he would say about it. Tigerclaw looked back at him, slight anger crowding his gaze. Let's just hope Yellowfang doesn't come back any time soon.

  Fireheart dipped his head in acceptance. Sandstorm lashed her tail and slipped away from the crowd, frustration jumbling her emotions up. I couldn't even help him. 

  Cinderpaw's gaze followed Fireheart's dejected form as he left the camp entrance. Don't worry, Fireheart. I'll be there.

  But now her duty was to the sick cats waiting for their dose of catmint.


  Fireheart slumped through thick mud as rain started to pour. He climbed up the bank, finally resting under some bushes after making sure he was some fox-lengths away from any territory.

  This punishment didn't make sense. Tigerclaw probably just wanted him out of the way - but for what? What was he planning?

  Fireheart felt a deep worry for his Clan as he closed his eyes, slipping into a murky dream. 

  Twigs snapping broke his sleep. He lifed his head, trying to smell the air. Rain masked all scents, but he could hear heavy trudging nearby. 

  He leaped to his paws, ears straining to hear where the animal was. 

 A black and white form appeared out of the slight mist. Badger! Fireheart snarled, leaping forward as the badger charged.

  He scraped its nose, slipping underneath its underbelly as it howled in pain. Fireheart raked his sharp claws through the badger's vulnerable belly. He wriggled out, but not before one of the badger's hind paws crashed down on his shoulder, wrenching it from its normal position.

  He crumbled, but tried to stand hurriedly as the badger's claws came swiping down on him, scratching his pelt. Blood welled out.

  Fireheart hissed in pain, waiting for the next attack, but the badger was already lumbering away, carrying its own amount of heavy wounds.

  He scrambled to find shelter under a low overhanging rock, away from the wind and rain. Shivering, he curled up.

  He was awoken again by faint calling. "Fireheart? Fireheart!" 


  Her form stumbled through some undergrowth, mud sloshing around. "Great StarClan!" Cinderpaw cried once she spotted him, rushing forward.

  Fireheart mumbled some incomprehensible words, falling asleep again with Cinderpaw's steady licking at his pelt wounds, trying to get rid of dirt.

  "I'm here, don't worry."


hey hey, new update <3

ok I know the punishment was a little lame and out of the blue, but I couldn't think of anything else that gets Fireheart out of the way :") if there's any better suggestions please let me know!!


hope y'all enjoyed this chapter:))

see ya' soon!

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