How To Survive Long Car Rides

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Things to bring:
- snacks, these are very essential
- headphones
- tissues, it can get messy with the snacks
- sunglasses, for blocking out the sun
- a pillow for napping
- a blanket, also for napping
- sleeping mask if you really need it
- water bottles are your best friend
- phone
- optional: deck of cards

Games to play:
- would you rather
- mash
- I spy
- never have I ever
- hangman
- 20 questions
- mafia
- what are the odds
- would you press the button (you can download this game)
- play card games like speed, goldfish, etc. if possible
- play sweet or sour (wave to people and see if they wave back and who ever gets the most sweets, meaning they wave back, they win the game)
- play the alphabet game (rotate around your car, you say an animal that has to do with the letter you are on. Example: O is for ostrich
- Play the sentence game (rotate around and say one word for each person and make a story out of it)

Things to do:
- take a nap
- listen to music
- take photos
- draw
- document and write
- make a group chat with your friends
- talk about conspiracy theories
- organize your phone

- download games that don't require wifi.
- always have at least a three bottles of water and some snacks because you will need them more than you think

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