Things Confident People Dont Do

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1) They Don't Over Focus On Appearnace
When someone is self confident, they are comfortable it's how they look and have a healthy relationship with their appearance. They stay fit, well groomed and eat healthy foods because they know their bodies deserve to be cared for properly. Confident people improve the things they can strive to put their best foot forward and they accept themselves as they are.
2) They Don't Try To Change Their Personality
Whether someone is an introvert or an extrovert, they can still be confident. Confident people understand that self assurance comes from feeling good about who they are and what they can achieve by trying to be completely authentic. They don't try to be someone they're not because they understand that self acceptance is a vital element of self confidence
3) They Don't Chase Likes And Follows On Social Media
For confident people, social media is about sharing what happened—not a place for being worshipped or receiving constant validation. They don't get disappointed when their posts not have two likes on it. Their profiles also seem more interesting and less self centered and insecure.
4) They Don't Ignore Their Own Judgement
They recognize that they have the ability on their own to come up with the answers for most situations. They may seek input in guidance but they are comfortable making a final decision when the time comes.
5) They Don't Put Others Down To Feel Good
Confident people don't need to undermine others or make negative comments about them, their success well in order to build themselves up. They are happy for the success of others and allow themselves to feel inspired.
6) They Don't Dominate Conversations
A confident person understands that a conversation is an exchange of thoughts and not a solo act. They take the time to learn what others are passionate about even if they aren't particularly interested in the topic. They know by actively listening and paying attention to others, they are much more likely to learn and grow.
7) They Don't Avoid Conflict
Confident people know that conflict is part of life. They don't see it as something toavoided but rather something to manage effectively.
8) They Don't Cling To People
People with confidence can stand on their own 2 feet. They are integral enough to enjoy their own company and to feel confident even when they are alone.
9) They Don't Wait For Permission To Act
Confident people don't need somebody to tell them what to do or when to do it. Whether it's running a meeting when the chair person doesn't show up for going to the extra mile to solve the customers problems doesn't even occur to them to wait for someone else to take care of it. They see what needs to be done and they do it.
10) They Don't Seek Happiness From The Outside
Happiness is a critical element of confidence, because to be confident in what you do, you have to be happy with who you are. People who brim with confidence derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from their own accomplishments opposed to what others think. They understand that no matter what anyone else says youre never as good or as bad as people say you are.
11) They Don't Focus On Weaknesses
Those with confidence however understand that success comes with continuing to improve upon your strengths. They accept their weaknesses gracefully and put more time and effort in endeavors where they know they'll have more likelihood of success.
12) They Don't Settle For Mediocre
Self assured people have a vision of what they want and they go for it. They don't hold back and allow their fears to keep them from trying. They push themselves to go above and beyond.
13) They Don't Neglect Their Skills
So much of low self-confidence comes from not having the skills or training needed for great success. Those with confidence see clearly what they need to do to improve their chances of success. They are willing to commit the time and energy into improving their skills advancing their training or getting more education in order to be more confident in their abilities.
14) They Don't need Constant Praise
They know their success does not depend on others approval and they understand but no matter how well they perform, there's always going to be somebody out there offering nothing but criticism. Confident people also know that the kind of confidence that depends on praise from other people isn't really confidence at all, it's narcissism.
15) They Don't Resist Learning New Things
People with confidence are lifelong learners. Even when they're experts in their field they have a learners mindset. They know that there is so much more in life to achieve and so many ways to grow.
16) They Don't Get Too Comfortable
When you are comfortable with things, you are satisfied with your results and what you have. This blocks from allowing yourself to grow and have the natural need to evolve. When confident people start getting comfortable, they take it as a red flag and push their boundaries so that they can continue to grow.
17) They Don't Tell Themselves Stories
They don't tell themselves things like "I'm too old," or "I'm not smart enough," or "I'm not attractive enough." They don't hide behind denial or limiting beliefs that simply offer and excuse to remain stuck in status quo. They are real with themselves even when the truth seems daunting.
18) They Don't Put Things Off
The reason people procrastinate is because a lot of times people are frayed afraid of change failure or maybe even success. Confident people don't put things off. They don't sit around waiting for the right time or the perfect circumstances, because they believe in themselves and expect that their actions will lead them closer to their goals.
19) They Don't Force Their Views On Others
Confident people don't force your views on anyone religious or political beliefs. They have a clear understanding that these beliefs and choices are personal for everyone. They may stand up for themselves when others oppose but will never challenge what other people think North feel the need to tell them that they're wrong.
20) They Don't Compromise Their Values
Having 'defined core values' values give foundational principles to any pursuit in life. They use these values as they make decisions in both life and work even if it means giving up something desirable in the short term.

To conclude:
Confident people take care of themselves, always aim for the best they can and are self acceptance of who they are. This chapter I wrote is used to describe the things we should strive for to become like the confident people we know. Understanding what confident people don't do can help you understand what it means to be and live the confidence.

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