More Self Care Practices

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General Selfcare:
- go for a walk
- talk to someone you trust what's been on your mind lately
- try mediation or grounding yourself
- stay away from electronics for an hour or two, specifically stay away from social media
- take a warm shower
- do yoga, stimulate the body
- go outside and do something
- drink tea
- do a hobby that makes you happy
- try journaling, it's like written mediation
- write down your thoughts and any bad emotions. burn the paper after you're done.
- watch personality videos on YouTube, how to get better as a person and stuff.
- keep in touch with your friends

If you feel groggy or horrible:
- watch YouTube
- listen to calming music like lofi
- do some of the general self care
- do something productive
- read
- do something creative like arts and crafts
- get up and do something active to get you in the back mindset and feel energized
- listen to music

If you're looking to become a new person:
- get a new haircut, dye it
- change your clothing style and add a signature item
- start being your ideal person by writing your goals down and practicing them
- take care of your hair, and skin
- start a new hobby like practicing music or parkour
- make some new friends, meet new people and talk to strangers

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