Self Care Calender

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Day 1: Wake up early, make some tea and go for a walk outside
Day 2: Deep Clean and organize your room, talk with friends
Day 3: Shower, and eat a healthy breakfast, exercise
Day 4: Try on a facemask, spend the whole day without social media
Day 5: Watch a movie, journal
Day 6: Do 15-30 min of yoga, do something fun
Day 7: Go to bed 1 hour early, write 3 things you love about yourself
Day 8: Go somewhere new, declutter your phone
Day 9: Hang out with friends, watch a motivational video or a ted talk
Day 10: Bake something, write down your goals
Day 11: Watch a movie with friends
Day 12: Take a 1 hour break from your phone, go on a walk in nature, cook a healthy meal
Day 13: Do something you've always wanted to try
Day 14: Workout, do a facemask, try out a new recipe
Day 15: Shower, read a book, try a new hairstyle
Day 16: *free space*
Day 17: Go for a walk and take photos of things you like
Day 18: Start a new hobby, meditate
Day 19: List all the things you love in your life, clean your phone (photos, social media, etc.)
Day 20: Wake up early, bake your favorite dessert and share with friends
Next 10 Days: Choose any day on the calendar to redo

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