4|| He likes you!

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|| 12 Years Ago ||

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|| 12 Years Ago ||

Noel Whickman stood in front of me on our first day in primary school, looking down at me since he was on of the tallers in our class -more evident considering I was sitting indian style on the graveyard. I hesitaintly smiled, not really feeling like it but my mother always told me to be nice. He narrowed his eyes towards the toy in my hands.

"Give me that."

I frowned.


"Are you deaf?" he rudely snapped making me jump up my feet. "Give me that."

"No! I've already given you the others." I hugged the doll closer to my chest. " This is for me." But that didn't stop him and within five seconds I landed forcefully on my back and tears blurred my vision. Noel was smiling maliciously with the toy in his hands.

"Cheater!" I cried in a shaky voice. "That was mine!"

"Oh, is the little girl crying?" he mocked me and I felt even worst. Ugly, fat tears flowed down my cheeks and I wiped them with the back of my hand, ashamed

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