34|| Claim my prize

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Dedicated to TeamForeverFan, thank you so much for the support and sweet comments <33

To make things even better, almost ten minutes before half time the dark grey sky decided it had enough with holding back and firsts drops began to pour

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To make things even better, almost ten minutes before half time the dark grey sky decided it had enough with holding back and firsts drops began to pour. The bleachers had this plastic awning for occasions like this and they had spread it, but the wind still got some drops plashed our way since we were on one of the first rows.

"Shit." Lydia cursed beside me pulling her own hood up too. Lucky girl, judging by the bright spring day we were having all I'd only had a thin cardigan with me. I tugged the hems snuggling into the slight warmth it brought me and shifted in my seat. "This is gonna make things trickier."

"Shouldn't they cancel it?" I wondered, narrowing my eyes and using one palm as a visor.

"Gosh, no." she immediately shook her head. "Isn't even fully raining, and you know how important this game is."

Yeah, I knew.

I bit my lip and glanced back at the field where the players looked up at the sky, flinching as the drops first caught with them.

I bit my lip. "I hope this doesn't play against them."

"Dito." nodded the girl beside me, narrowing her gaze  to see through the thin drops molesting us. "Damn, maybe we should found a place closer to tha back after the break?"

"But will we be able to see then?"

"I guess..."

The crowd went crazy, standing at their feet and we turned at once to the field just to see Dave Talerico stealing the ball and making a long pass to the other side of the field where Brett was waiting and received it perfectly. He dodged two player that come his way masterly and I stand at the tip of my toes as he made a shot. It slid beside the goal keeper and straight into the net.

"Yes!" we cheered with everyone else. A wave of pride in my chest as I saw his team mates patting his back and celebrating the goal. Even throught the distance, I think I could see his smile and my guts beamed all the more.

"He's so good." I muttered before realizing and my cheeks blushed at the knowing look Lydia sent me, but I just couldn't help it.

I mean, I knew he was great. He'd always been. But it's been a while since I last saw him play and man, I missed out.

"Yeah." smiled the red haired, turning to look as they throw in, a small frown in her face. "Let's hope the scouts think so too. Their sopposed to be here somewhere..."

"There," I discreetly pointed with my head in very the front, where a couple od suited men analyzed every move and tactic. "I've seen them talking to the coach before and they've never stopped writting down stuff."

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