06 | Wine

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BY THE TIME Nyla made it to the office, she'd missed the man Marcus had sent. Anthony had done everything he could to get her there, but few things were as annoying as New York traffic.

Hyeon passed her a stack of folders. "Here are the files he left."

Nyla thanked her assistant before shutting the door to her office. She poured through the files and saw that Marcus had ripped apart her plan. He indicated things he wasn't happy about and things that could be improve. Nyla winced as she flipped through the papers, there were more red errors then she expected, but it was a good thing.

Marcus cared enough to actually go through her proposal and help make it better. She could work with this. Pulling up her laptop she began perfecting the plan. As soon as it was perfect, she would personally go to Marcus' office and deliver it. Through the afternoon she was hard at work and only when she heard the tapping on the glass door did she look up.

"Zoey," she said opening the door to the young women and quickly replacing the confused look on her face with a smile. "It's nice to see you."

It seemed like Nyla hadn't done a good enough job because Zoey smiled apologetically. "You told me we could meet today and Hyeon wasn't at her desk, so I let myself in. I'm sorry, we can reschedule if your busy."

Nyla took a quick look at her calendar and noticed that yes, she did have a meeting with Zoey scheduled for three o'clock. She'd been super busy with her pitch that she totally forgot.

"No," she motioned to the chair in front of her desk. "Have a seat, I have you on my calendar but just forgot for a second."

Zoey settled into the chair with a soft smile.

"Anything I can get you, coffee, tea?"

"Actually, tea would be nice." Zoey replied.

Nyla got up to make the tea.

"Oh no, don't worry about it, I can make it myself." Zoey said getting up.

Nyla gently pushed her back down. "You're the guest in my office, I'll make it. Don't worry, I needed to make myself a cup as well."

Zoey smiled at her nervously and Nyla plugged in the kettle she kept in her office.

"So, how's business going?"

Zoey bit her lip and didn't reply so Nyla repeated her question again.

"Not good," the young women said. "It was going fine at the beginning but one of my customers wrote a bad review on a blog post and suddenly, I've lost all my potential clients."

Nyla sat down and left the water to boil.

"What have you done so far to fix it?"

"Everything! I contacted the client, hoping to talk to her so we could resolve her issues and if she could take down her blog post, but she refused. I've offered my services for free, but nobody wants them." The young women looked close to tears. "At this rate, I'm going to go bankrupt."

"No, you're not." Nyla said with steely determination. "Wipe those tears and use your brain. We are going to come up with a plan to save your business in the next hour."

Zoey looked at her. "It seems hopeless."

"It's going to be hopeless unless you try and do something about it." The kettle went beep and Nyla stood up to make the tea. She handed a cup to Zoey, "let's brainstorm so ideas. What events did you book so far?"

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