35 | CEO

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THE NEXT COUPLE of days began to all merge into one. After Nyla had landed back in New York, the first thing she'd done was crack open a bottle of the most expensive white wine in her collection— the Domaine Leflaive Batard Montrachet. Although the price tag of six-thousand dollars did little to make her feel better, the hints of lemon and hazelnut did get her drunk. She'd long shut off her phone after receiving multiple calls from Darius and a couple of more texts—she had nothing left to say to him.

She'd barred her soul, loved him more than anyone in her life, trusted him more than anyone in her life and it had all been for nothing. He didn't give a shit about her, didn't respect her enough as a businesswoman to cut a deal in front of her. Instead, he used dirty tactics to manipulate her to get what he wanted. As she stumbled into the bar stool, still wearing the gorgeous Elli Saab dress she'd worn five hours prior she suddenly couldn't stand the dress.

A sense of itchiness crawled out of her body and she was having a hard time breathing. She needed to get out of the dress. The zipper was in the back and so she struggled but nothing was happening. Nyla opened the cabinet and took the kitchen shears before she hysterically began cutting way the dress.

The dress slipped from her body and strands of midnight silk fell to the ground. Nyla watched as tears soaked the fabric and she reached her hand to brush away the tears. She didn't know when she starred crying, but the tears began to flow uncontrollably. She slipped to the ground, wearing only the black lingerie she'd brought earlier, hoping to show Darius later on.

Clutching her chest, she continued crying. Her heart hurt, it fucking felt as though it was broken. Nyla had never experienced such pain before. She would never see Darius smile, or feel his sweet kisses. She wouldn't get to argue with him about the best stocks to invest in or watch him love his cat. It was all gone, in the blink of an eye.

She laid on the cool marble floor and closed her eyes. Sleep came faster to her then she expected.


The pair of sunglasses did little to hide the redness of Nyla's eyes. Nevertheless, she stepped onto the C-suite floor and we immediately approached by Hyeon.

"I thought you were in Houston for a couple of more days."

Nyla took a large sip of her green tea before answering. "I was," she smiled tightly. "But I decided to come earlier."

Hyeon looked at her for a heartbeat longer before she began listing the things that they'd done in her absence. It seemed like everything had gone smoothly.

"Did you receive the signed documents for the PR release?"

Hyeon nodded. "The PR team was going to put it out today—"

"Just tell them to hold it on a bit longer." Nyla responded, swinging open the door to her office.

"There is a meeting at G-Health today. George was supposed to go, but I'm assuming that you're going to take his place?"

Nyla paused mid-sentence. Her throat clenched at the sound of Darius' company. "No, I have some catching up to do. Tell George to just come visit me when he's back."

Hyeon looked at her a bit longer, opening her mouth to say something but then shut it once again. As she approached the door, she swung back around, "Is everything okay? Something seems off about you."

Nyla didn't both looking up from her computer screen. She knew Hyeon would be able to read her relatively well.

"Everything okay," she didn't say more.

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