Chapter 11

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"Okay class, we will now be taking a pop quiz," my teacher for B.C Calculus said.

The entire class groaned, even me. I did like Mr. Bert, I really did, but his pop quizzes just ruin my entire day. Some bold kids made comments of protest.

"Oh, stop groaning. Mr. Berkley, please sit down or I will send you to the principal!" The boy in the very back sat down, but not before mocking the teacher. 

Mr. Bert then started passing out the quizzes. As soon as one person got theirs, they would immediately start. Some just stared at their papers in confusion.

After 30 minutes, I handed in my quiz and read my book. Time flew by, and before I knew it, the end of class bell rang. Many people were frantically trying to finish their quizzes, while others packed up their things. As I exited the class, I saw that Hunk was next to my class door, scrolling down on his phone. I went up to him and he looked up.

"Hey, how was Calc?" he asked as we started walking to English.

"Terrible. Mr. Bert gave us a pop quiz and even though I finished it, half of the class didn't even get to the last page. I am pretty sure I bombed it though."

"Aww, that's okay Katie. You won't fail," Hunk said, comforting me.

I nodded and walked inside my AP English class. As soon as the bell rang, Mrs. Hemms said, 

"Hello, class. Today, we will be doing a pop quiz."



"-and then, once the bell rang, she snatched the paper right out of our hands!" Hunk was busy explaining the pop quiz to Lance and Keith during lunch, but the latter wasn't even paying attention. Instead, he was asking me questions.

"So, Pidge, what did you think about the quiz?"

I shrugged in response. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't as hard as Hunk was describing it.

While all of us were eating peacefully, having a nice conversation, none of us noticed two people walking towards us.

"Hey, Keith!" A high pitched voice almost screamed out, making me want to cover my ears.

I could clearly hear Keith groan before he turned around.

"What do you want, Katherine?" he said to a girl with fiery red hair, long legs, and a beautiful face.

"I just wanted to invite you to my party tomorrow! Just you though. Can't have three loners crash my party," Katherine said, looking at me, Lance, and Hunk in disgust.

All four of us were taken aback. Were we really loners? 

Lance and Hunk were about to say something but Keith beat them to it. 

"Listen, Katherine," Keith started, "I don't really want to come to your party. But, if I have to go, then these three losers have to come with me too. Otherwise, count me out."

My insides warmed from what Keith said. He was willing to risk not going to this beautiful girl's party for the three of us? Aww. 

Katherine looked more shocked than I was. "B-but, t-they, I-," she started, not knowing what to say in response.

"Okay, then, have a nice party," Keith said, turning back to his food. That was when I looked around and saw that many people were starting to stare at us.

"Wait! Fine. Those two boys can come. But not her. She will ruin my party with her ugliness," she said, smirking at me.

I looked down at my hands, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. I didn't think I was super pretty, just average. But ugly? That thought made me feel even more insecure than I ever felt before. I looked up at Keith, ready to tell him that he didn't need to worry about me not going.

However, when I saw his face, I was honestly scared. He looked livid, his face red, eyes blazing. If looks could kill, Katherine would be 6 feet under by now.

"What did you say?" Keith started out in a dangerous voice. 

I could tell Katherine looked a bit scared but still held her ground. "I said that she can't come because her ugliness-"

A hand smashed down on the table, making every look at us. Katherine stopped talking, her face going pale as Keith walked up to her.

"Never say that my Pidge is ugly. She is the most beautiful person in the entire world, way more than you. If anything, it would be you who ruined your own party because you caked your face with 3 inches of make-up."

Once Keith finished his mini-speech, he held my hand and dragged me out of the cafeteria, where there was complete silence. 

Both of us reached the benches outside of school before Keith pulled me into his chest, not letting go.

"Don't listen to her Pidge. She was just talking sh*t back there. She doesn't know what she was saying. You really are beautiful." Keith kept on muttering things to me as a way to make me feel better, but I wasn't even sad, just shocked. 

First of all, he called me beautiful.

Second of all, he said my Pidge. 

After a few minutes, we pulled away and Keith cradled my head, looking for any signs of sadness or crying in me.

"You okay, Pidge?" He asked in a small voice, almost as if he was afraid I was going to break down.

I nodded. I was beyond fine. In spite of the moment, I did something I never thought I would ever do in my life:

I kissed him.


Hey guys, sorry for the delay. This is Chapter 11!

I feel so evil(a bit bad) for leaving this off as a cliffhanger, so I will try to update again as soon as possible.

What do you think about the Kidge relationship?

Is it going to fast? Too slow?

Don't forget to comment and/or vote!

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