Chapter 26

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I took a deep breath as the doorbell rang again.

"Come on, go answer it!" Allura said, giving me a little push. Matt was waiting in the kitchen, setting up his final part of the "torture Keith before his date with my sister".

Quickly, I went to the door and opened it. 

In front of me stood a nervous looking Keith with a bunch of flowers in one hand. He was wearing jeans and a red button-up shirt, and his hair was a mess, but it suited him.

As soon as he heard the door open, Keith looked up and his eyes slightly widened when he saw me. I blushed as he kept on staring me. A few seconds later, he snapped out of his trance and looked at my face.

"Hey, Pidge."

"H-hi," I said, letting him go inside.

"These are for you. I wasn't sure what your favorite flower was so I got up an entire bundle of different ones. It's okay if you don't like it; I should've figured out your favorite flo-"

"I-I love it," I assured him, stopping his ramble. 

As we entered the kitchen, I saw that Allura came from upstairs and gave Matt a thumbs up sign before sitting down next to my brother at the kitchen table. He had a serious look on his face. 

Oooo, this is going to be fun to watch.

I put the flowered in a vase as Matt looked at Keith. 

Keith, looking uncomfortable, finally said, "H-hi Matt."


"Come sit down!" Allura said, cheerfully. Okay, so she was playing good cop and Matt was playing bad cop. 

Keith took a seat and looked at Matt, who was staring him down. It was funny to see that Keith was getting flustered just by Matt looking at him.

"You plan on taking my sister on a date?" Matt finally said.


"Are you asking me or telling me?" 

"Yes, I am taking Pidge on a date," Keith said, a bit more confident.

"What are your plans?" Matt asked.

"W-well, it's supposed to be a surprise." I hate surprises.

"Then you can come with me into my study where your brother and I will further question you about this very important event. If we decide you are not worthy, you will be stripped of your male status. Literally."

Keith gulped at the thought of both Shiro and Matt interrogating him and how he might lose something vital to his life today. 

"As much as I want him to suffer, I would really like him back in one piece," I whisper to Matt. He nods and winks at me before turning his serious expression back on and going to the study where Keith was walking towards.

Allura came up to me and then explained how she sneaked Shiro into the study without Keith seeing. It was all part of Matt's master plan.

After about 10 minutes, Keith came out, looking shocked and relieved. Matt and Shiro came out wearing smug faces as they looked at Keith, who was walking away from them quickly.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked Keith, trying not to laugh.

"Y-yeah. Let's go now," he said, desperate to get away from our older siblings. 

I nodded and grabbed my purse before walking out the front door, Keith behind me.

"Don't forget what we told you, Keith!" Matt and Shiro shouted, and Keith blushed a little, increasing his pace.

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