Chapter 18

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"Wow Katie, never knew you had it in you," Lance said after Keith told him what happened in Chemistry class today.

I shrugged and continued to eat my food, even though I was shocked at myself too. Did I seriously say all of that? Even though I should feel bad, I didn't. 

I felt...good.

"So, Pidge," Keith said, and I turned to him, "Where do you want to meet up for the project? Our homes? Library? Cafe?"

I grimaced at the mention of the cafe. If we went there, most of the time would be spent shooing away the waitresses who would flirt with Keith.

No way am I going through that.

"Um, we could work at your house since Matt, Shiro, and Allura will most likely be working at mine," I offered, and Keith smirked.

"Want the house to ourselves, I see. Fine by me," Keith said as Lance and Hunk smirked.

"The only reason I said that is so we could work in peace," I defended myself. Why was I always falling into these traps?

"Sure, Katie. We all know you want to be alone with Keith so you can have s-"

I immediately covered my ears, letting out a small squeak. The three boys started laughing and after a while, Keith recovered from it. 

Shooting the other two a quit it look, he said, "Guys stop. You're making Pidge feel embarrassed."

I internally thanked him for shutting my two friends up. They stopped laughing but smiled with each other. 

While we continued to eat in peace, I remembered something that I had to ask Keith about. 

"Hey Keith, what was my brother talking to you about a couple weeks ago?" This caused him to start choking on his food, so I quickly gave him some water to prevent him from dying.

"Oh, that? Don't worry about it. Not that important," He waved it off, but I could tell he just wanted to avoid the topic.

Why though?

I was just about to question him when Lance suddenly exclaimed, "Guess what guys?"

"What?" we all said.

"My bud over here, Hunk, was asked out by a girl named Shay to go to a party today! And, she invited all of us!" Lance said, making Hunk blush.

Ooh, a party? I've never been to one before. It must be fun if a lot of people go. "Can we go?"  I asked Lance.

"Sure," Lance said, turning to Keith for confirmation that he was going to go.

"It's not Katherine's party, is it?" Keith asked in a low voice.

"No, of course not! I-I think it's one of her friend's party... Mia, I think," Lance said, but that didn't make Keith feel any better.

"That means she's going to be there going to be there then. I'm not going and neither is Pidge," Keith said, shocking us all.

"W-What? Why can't I go?" I asked Keith, frustrated. This was my only chance to go to a party and he was denying it! Plus, he isn't my dad or anything, so he can't tell me what to do.

"Yeah, why can't my friend go?" Lance asked Keith as well, staring at him. Hunk started to do the same thing.

As all three of us stared at Keith, he seemed to be contemplating about whether or not he should allow me to go.

"...Fine," he said, and I smiled, "But I am going too."

"The more the merrier!" Hunk exclaimed as he and Lance started talking about some random things.

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