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LILIAN'S FINGERTOPS TRAILED OVER THE BOOK SPINES. The bookstore of Seattle contained many stories, not as much as Lilian wanted it to, but it had at least hundred-twenty books of every genre. Now, Lilian's attention was somehow pulled towards the shelves with unsolved crimes. Books with unsolved disappearances, from the year 1850 to the present. Lilian thought these books pretty interesting, considering that crime never really was the most common thing in Forks.

'Mysteriously gone.' The title caught Lilian's eye, and she immediately felt interested. She took the book out, observing the description of the old cover.

"Never, someone understood these disappearances... how could those people dissipate from the globe without a trace? All the theories – all the odd apparitions that were seen decades later..."

Her inquisitiveness triggered, Lilian checks the prize, finding out that it was only $20. Digging through some other books on the shelf, Lilian found two other books with likewise subjects, but both weren't as detailed as the first one. Walking back to the counter, Lilian payed for the book with a leather cover and 1167 pages full of unsolved crimes.

"Good luck with that," the shopkeeper said, "I think that book has been returned to this shop for six times already. All of them said that it was too hard to read, the crimes are way too complicated."

Lilian had one shit eating grin on her face, when she answered: "Must've been rookies, then. Because I am the best of the best in this area."

"Who handed you that prize, Harper?" A familiar voice snarled. Lilian's grin turned into a grimace, the moment she recognized it. Lilian bid the shopkeeper a good day and faced Lauren Mallory with eyes that were as cold as the ice from Antarctica. The Queen Bee was of course followed by her usual cronies, Jessica Stanley and Violet Steward. All three held nothing more than a magazine, filled with pretty-boys and mere gossip. Not that there was anything wrong with reading tabloids, but Lilian did think it was bad for a certain attitude that both Lauren and Jessica had.

"I did, Mallory. But consider the competition opened, if you wish to beat me. 57 cases for you to solve, in order to beat me." Lilian taunted, her smirk finding its way to her face once again. Lauren smiled at Lilian with a bittersweet smile.

"Lily, honey, can I speak with you for a minute?" She requested, whilst more people suddenly came into the store, giving Lilian no reason to decline the offer.

"What do you want?" Lilian hissed once they stood in the corner of the store, hid behind bookshelves.

"I want what's mine. He'smine, Harper." Lauren snarled, soft enough for only them to hear.

"Mallory, if you want me to understand your riddle, you'll have to explain it to me." Lilian snapped back, one of her eyebrows raised. She was, right now, overly annoyed with the blonde in front of her.

"Jasper. Jasper Hale," Lauren hissed, "I've seen the way you look at him, and don't think I haven't noticed the way he looks at you. But he's mine. There's also no reason why he'd date such an introvert like you, who doesn't even know what it feels like to kiss someone, whilst he could have a fully experienced woman."

Lilian's last bit of respect for her opened flew out of the window right there, "You know what, Mallory? I think the fact that you've just officially claimed to be a whore, says enough about the reason someone intelligent  wouldn't date you. As for first kisses, better late than in seventh grade, am I right?" With those words, Lilian bumped Lauren's shoulder as she walked past the frozen girl. "Oh, by the way, merry Christmas, even though I'll see you at the party my brother's celebrating."

Lilian put her newly bought Christmas presents underneath the tree. She'd bought a pair of Boss shoes for her father, a new necklace from Pandora for her mother, an Apple iWatch for Collin and two new toys for the dogs.

"Someone had contact with Santa, it seems." A soprano voice chimed from behind Lilian. The blonde inhaled an annoyed breath, before turning towards Alice.

"Yes, I did. But he didn't hand me all of his gifts, clearly." Lilian said, realizing that she hadn't bought anything for the Cullen family, who invited Collin and her over for a Christmas-evening as well. Strangely, there wouldn't be any dinner, but after dinner  they were invited.

"Actually, I wondered if you'd like to go with me? I still need a dress for Collin's party, and I need some presents as well," Alice offered, Lilian sent her a skeptical look and grinned at her, "and maybe I wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend's sister?"

Lilian shrugged, "Fine with me. As long as you help me with buying my dress as well." Alice was ecstatic about the shopping trip they had just planned.

"Maybe we could even have a sleepover at my place?" Alice squealed, her enthusiasm almost effecting Lilian's.

"Don't push it, Alice." Lilian chuckled, "but maybe." That sent the small black-haired girl into an exaggerating stage of happiness.

"This is going to be so much fun! Come on, we're going!" Alice almost jumped in front of Lilian and seemed to drag her towards the car with ease. Lilian's shocked of the little girls' strength, but didn't use any attention to it, as she tried to stop the hyperactive girlfriend of her brother.

"Alice..." Lilian sighed, but Alice didn't react, she was too far away, planning the entire thing, "ALICE!" Lilian yelled this time, finally gaining Alice's prominence.

"Is there something wrong?" The pale girl pouted, and Lilian only now saw her mesmerizing golden eyes, realizing that all Cullens owned those exact eyes. Lilian shook her head a little, waking herself up from her thoughts.

"Yes, Alice," Lilian said with a small smile, "look at the clock. It's 7 PM. By the time we're in Seattle, or Port Angeles, wherever you wanted to go, we're never going to be in time."

"Aha. I see your point. Are you coming with me then? We can sleep at my place and take Rosalie's car to get to Portland tomorrow. Her car is the fastest we have."

Lilian snorted at that, "Alice, we'll see about that, right? I'm going to get my bag and leave a note for my parents. Back in a few minutes."

"Oh, Lilian, I promise, this is going to be great!" Alice said, as both girls stepped out of Lilian's matt black Audi R8. Alice and Collin had gotten a ride from her brothers, when they came over to Lilian and Collin's house.

"Well, I'll still have to get used to the fact that your house looks so... impossibly great." Lilian muttered, gazing at the large, graceful house, which was painted in a faded white. The driveway was at the southside of the house, giving Lilian a view into it as well. Almost the entire southside of the house's walls were made out of glass, making it look out on the river nearby.

"I know, right? Esme loves to design things for her hobby, with the help of some architects, she designed this house completely by herself!" Alice chirped, watching as Lilian blinked at the house in awe. The blonde then shook her head again, trying to keep it at the earth. Lilian turned her heels and took out her canvas travel bag from the trunk.

"Let's go look inside then, shan't we?" Lilian said with a smirk. Alice nodded and took her keys out, opening the doors to a literal new chapter of Lilian's life, even if she didn't know that herself yet.




[1] gratefully invisible ~ jasper haleWhere stories live. Discover now