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LILIAN JOGGED THROUGH THE WOODS. She woke up grumpy that Saturday morning, and she felt like going for a run. So, she'd put on her sports leggings, a sweater and her running shoes, and then had set out to the forest.

She jumped over fallen trees and climbed over rocks, to vary the exercise a little. It was what kept her fit, running through the forest. She knew this aria like the back of her hand, she knew all the hiding places and the right trees to climb in. If she ever were to be a vampire, she'd be deadly in these woods.

Not that Lilian wanted to be a vampire. She wanted to grow old and grey with a husband or a dog. But since Lilian had met Jasper, she realized that was something she might have to give up in order to get forever with him. She would stay frozen in her age, like all the other Cullens.

With her head elsewhere, Lilian ran far too deep into the woods. Further than she'd ever been before. She didn't recognize where she was and – stupid as she was – didn't bring her phone this morning.

"Fuck," Lilian cussed under her breath, and she began to look for any signs that could tell her where she was.

As Lilian was investigating her newly found spot, an ice-cold force suddenly pushed her against a tree. A strong, cold hand wrapped around her neck, probably leaving bruises later.

"Double fuck," Lilian cussed again, harder this time. Her heart was pumping in her chest and the red-eyed, silver-blonde vampire in front of her knew it too. Lilian's eyes darted behind him, seeing a small, blond-haired girl with vibrant red eyes behind the strong, trained vampire that pushed her to the harsh tree bark.

"If I were you, vampy," Lilian started, a slight growl in her voice, "I'd let me go this instant."

The silver-blonde let out a low chuckle, "Ya hear that, Char? The little thing wants me to free her," the southern accent was more than evident in his voice, and Lilian was assured that this man came from Texas.

She started laughing at him, and both of the vampires looked at her like she was crazy. The blonde female stepped forward, softly poking Lilian's arm, "I think this snack is broken..." she too had an accent of the south. Lilian only laughed harder.

"You... are... so screwed!" Lilian laughed, but suddenly, she stopped, "I suppose I should give you guys the benefit of the doubt and ask you what you're doing on these lands?"

"We're visiting friends," the male answered, still confused how a human could act so coolly with a situation like this.

"And aren't your hosts accompanying you today?" Lilian asked, her face playful. She was enjoying this, for she was more than sure that Jasper had heard her laughter and had taken it for screaming. Why was he taking so long, actually?

"Yes, they are, we're just playing hide and seek... the vampire way," the female answered, and Lilian laughed as she saw Emmet and Jasper emerge from the woods.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jasper exclaimed, glaring at the unknown vampires.

"I don't know, Jazz. I just wanted a snack, and it started laughing at my goddamn face!" The silver-blonde pouted, and Lilian laughed even harder, patting the male's shoulder.

"That was the wrong choice of words, pal," she said, before smiling at Jasper lovingly, "hey Jazzy."

The honey blonde grinned back, before glaring at the two others again, "You seriously wanted to drain her ?" his growl even startled Lilian, who immediately walked over to him, taking both his hands in hers.

"Easy, they weren't going to anyway. I was laughing at their faces so much, that they'd forgotten about eating me," Lilian chuckled with a smirk. Jasper looked down in her ice blue eyes, sighing slightly.

"Be happy my mate finds you humorous, Pete," he growled to the male vampire, "if it were just me, I'd have ripped you to shreds already."

"Alright, we get it," Emmet said, in a calming way, "Peter, you shouldn't attack humans when you're just hungry for a snack, really man, try a squirrel or something. Jasper, you're not ripping anyone to shreds, only because something almost happened to Lilian. Everyone alright with that?"

Lilian held up her hand as if she was in class, "Can one of you show me the way home? I'm actually lost in the woods," she shrugged.

"And then to say people think you're the most responsible teenager in Forks," Jasper groaned.

"Hold up!" Peter suddenly yelled, "That's your fuckin' mate? A human is your mate?" Lilian raised both of her eyebrows as she turned around, facing him.

"Is there something wrong with being human?" She snarled, and Peter immediately backed off, "That's more like it," Lilian said, a smug grin appearing on her face.

The silver-blonde's eyes widened, and his nostrils flared dangerously. Lilian gulped, knowing that she pissed off a human blood drinking vampire, "triple fuck," she joked to herself.

"Pete," the female, Charlotte, spoke up, "calm the hell down. She's already leaving." The girl looked at Lilian, almost glaring, yet the human girl discovered a glimpse of gratitude in the fiery red gaze.

"Jazz, you go with Peter and Charlotte, I'll take Lil home," Emmet agreed with the tiny vampire. Jasper looked at him, his gaze sharp enough to make Lilian's thoughts shudder, but he nevertheless agreed by nodding his head.

"See you tonight," he whispered to Lilian, whom was still standing next to him. Lilian nodded and kissed his jaw, before taking Emmet's hand. The giant vampire grinned boyishly and made her hop on his back, as they raced towards the Harper's estate.

"There you go," Emmet grinned as he put Lilian on the threshold of her house. The blonde looked absently to the wooden door, "Hey, Lil, what's up?"

"What's a mate?" the human asked, making Emmet's grin fall.

"That's something you should ask Jazz, he's better at explaining it than I am," the vampire stumbled over his words, taking a step back.

"Please, Emmet... just tell me," Lilian repeated, looking up in his eyes desperately. Emmet sighed, knowing that Jasper was going to rip him apart for telling her this.

"A mate..." he started, but hovered, "I can't, Lilian. Jasper would tear me apart and I'm sure he wants to tell you this himself. It usually ends up in some exciting moments..." he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Lilian raised her eyebrows at him, but the dark-haired male smirked only more. 

"No, I'm serious, Lilian. When Rose first told me about, we didn't leave the bed for weeks. I'd stock some food, if I were you, Jazz didn't get laid in such a long time..." he threw back his head and laughed loudly, before speeding off into the woods once more, leaving a certain human with a few disgusted thoughts, cursing him mentally to the moon.


thanks for reading - x

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