9. Mate

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I hope everyone is safe during the Corona virus pandemic. A reminder to wash your hands and stay well. Lots of love.

Please enjoy chapter 9 of the Wolven King and welcome it as a distraction from the craziness that's going on lol.


I feel like I've been running forever when I stop in the middle of the woods, surrounded by giant trees which block out most of the sunlight. I have no idea where I am or how far I have travelled from, Adrenous' castle.

I mentally slap myself.

How could I have been so stupid to have thought that I would be able to travel back on my own. The trees around here were much denser than the ones back home and it was becoming more difficult to weave my way through them.

I close my eyes whilst heading in an unknown direction and try to listen to anything nearby. But all I can hear are little creatures or birds flying over my head. Nothing to indicate where I might be or how far I was from the next town.

Just great!

I start to turn back towards the Kings castle. It was a better option then travelling to an unchartered location.

As I start heading back the way I came unease begins to creep into every fibre of my body.

Everything within me was invoking me to run but being the idiot I am, I stop. My curiosity getting the best of me as I search the woods, searching for the source of my bodies distress. That's when I hear something wiz straight past
me, sending a breeze to swoop through my fur.

I stop dead in my tracks and listen in again.

I hear the same as before, just birds, rodents and my heavy breathing along with the thumping beat of my heart trying to break from my chest. I'm about to run when I hear someone whisper, causing my body to freeze.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" The disembodied voice surrounds me like a quiet echo. I search my surrounding but there's no indication of who is responsible for the voice.

The fur on my back stands up as a shiver passes my body. My instincts tell me whatever that voice belonged to wasn't friendly. I growl warningly, hoping that will be enough for it to run of and leave me alone. I believe it may have worked as silence settles around me once again.

However, the silence doesn't last long as that voice reverberated around me once again. "Hush now. It's not lady-like to growl."

Something sprints past me again. It was too quick for me to see what it was. I growl again, this time louder. Panic is beginning to settle in my stomach as I wait for any sign of movement.

Something runs behind me. I look back but again nothing is there.

Turning my head back round I jump, my heart missing a beat and beginning to pump fast. A pale looking man is staring at me with deep black eyes. They resembled pools of emptineness. He inclines his head to the side slightly, his black hair falling over one of his eyes at the action, as he carries on gawking at me.

I growl once again but he doesn't flinch, nor move. I take a slow step backwards.

"Where you of to, little one?" I take another step back, making sure to keep an eye on him.

I don't like the way he's smiling at me. It's sinister. He takes a slow step forward, my eyes honing in on the action and before he can get close enough, I sprint in the opposite direction. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I quicken my pace, praying that I could at least make it back to the King's grounds.

The Wolven King {18+} (Sample)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt