Chapter Five

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Sky's POV:

Pain. That's all I knew. She blindfolded me and beat and whipped me everyday. My throat burned from the lack of water and my stomach growled from the hunger. She fed me only once a day. I deeply regretted running.

I heard the door open and stiffened. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked down the stairs and across over to me. She pulled off my gag and shoved a piece of bread into my mouth. I chewed slowly, careful to not drop my only piece of food. I missed the hot soups and breakfast I had been given before. She held a water bottle to my mouth and I greedily drank it until she pulled it away and my gag was replaced.

I heard the whip crack again and readied myself for yet another beating.

To stop it I have to give in.

Mistress had told me how to stop it. By getting on my knees and begging for her forgiveness. I had spat at her and said I would never. Her answer was simply...I would. Now I was seriously considering it. The pain was getting worse, and she didn't treat any of my bruises, cuts or whip marks. She wasn't giving me a chance, since I was always gagged.


Each lash brought forth a muffled scream from me. I could feel my own blood running down from open wounds. It made me slightly dizzy.


She did this for hours. My body was going numb. She must of saw I wasn't reacting like I had been before and she stopped.

"Oh no. You don't get to sleep" She said, harshly slapping my face. I whimpered. She pressed down on my still tender brand on my shoulder, making my scream nearly as loud as I did from the whip.

"Feel that? That shows you're mine. You'll always be mine. You'll never escape. No one does" She snarled. She pressed down on the ones on my stomach and inner thigh and got the same reaction. "It's too bad. You could of been warming my bed like the good pet you were. You could of been getting rewards nearly every day. I mean, I know you enjoyed my food. But you had to be a bad girl, and now you're stuck down here until I break you"

A tear rolled down my cheek. Then another. Then another. I was crying. I hung my head and sobbed. I cried for my situation, for my brother; that I never got to meet, for my parents, friends. I just cried. She stepped back and let me. The physical pain was bad but the emotional pain hurt worse. She took off my Blindfold and gag, placing them on a nearby table.

"I'll be back later. If I were you I'd save your energy. Today is gonna be a long day for you" She said. I didn't answer at all. I couldn't. She left me alone.

(Time Skip)

Weeks of this was really taking a toll on my body. I was growing weaker and thinner. She gave me a mattress to sleep on at night, which she would drag me out of and chain me back to the X.

She started gagging me after 5 minutes, giving me time to beg. I couldn't bring myself to. To give up and just obey. Not yet. She hasn't broken me yet.

Today she came downstairs and clipped a leash to my collar. I never been more relieved than this to be leashed instead of being whipped. She dragged me out of the basement and upstairs to the yard. Outside was a table, with plates, cups, silverware and such. She walked over and sat down. I just stood there, confused. Was I supposed to kneel by her? I slowly went on my knees and waited.

What was she up to?

"What are you doing? Get up and sit down Sky" She snapped. I flinched and stood up, sitting beside her. She opened the basket and pulled out a large dish of pasta and two other ones for Mac and Cheese. The fourth one had mixed vegetables. She loaded the plate in front of me and then did her own. She began to eat and raised an eyebrow at me.

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