Chapter Thirty One

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Sky's POV:

The doctor moved the device over my stomach a couple times. He was silent. Then he frowned and began to look confused. He looked over at Maya then took the device off of my stomach.

"Miss Redd can I speak to you outside?" He asked. Maya raised an eyebrow, but followed him out of the room. The door slid shut. Sophia jumped up and walked over to me, smiling.

"You're so lucky! I wish I could get pregnant, but then I couldn't have sex as much. It wouldn't be fun" She said. I gave her a weak smile. My heart was racing.

I wonder what's wrong

When Maya came back into the room I could tell it was something bad. I slowly sat up as she walked over to her chair and sat back down, crossing her arms over her chest. The Doctor came over to me and gently pushed Sophia out of the way to stand beside me.

"Well Sky. Looks like the baby is developed enough to actually come out now. You have a wonderful baby girl" He said. I breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a girl. Maya won't get rid of it. She can't. Right?

"Miss Redd, shall we start the procedure?" He asked. Maya locked eyes with me and nodded.

"Yeah sure. Start it" She snapped. I flinched as Sophia pranced over and stabbed my shoulder with a needle. The room began to spin and I felt the doctor picking me up and placing me on something soft. Then everything went black.

(Time Skip)

Maya's POV:

I paced angrily outside the hospital, trying to ignore the sharp cold wind that was cutting into my bare arms.

Shouldn't of forgotten my coat.

I was generally happy and pissed. Sky gave me a healthy baby girl. And a baby boy. Twins. I didn't want twins. What was I gonna do with twins? Many women here didn't really like having boys. I couldn't tell Sky she had twins, she'd be hysterical. When the doctor let me know I swear I felt my heart drop.

What to do with the other boy i don't know

The boy would most likely be terminated, or become someone's boy toy when he got older. Both were horrible options.

"Miss Redd?" I whipped around. A nurse was standing there.

"Your Pet is awake and is holding your baby girl. We left the boy in the operating room. Should we terminate him?" She asked. I stared at her blankly before snapping out of it.

"Terminate it." I replied. The nurse nodded and led me back to my pet's room.

It's for the best. It's for the best.

(Time Skip)

Sky's POV:

Maya entered the room just as the baby began to cry. The nurse walked up to my hospital bed and gently took the baby out of my hands, giving her to Maya. She had dark brown eyes like Zach and her hair looked to be dark brown like mine. Her skin was a soft caramel and nearly matched Maya's, though hers was a bit darker. She smiled and held the baby close to her. Then she looked at me.

"Name her Pet." She said. I looked at her, confused. She was letting me name the baby? I started to speak but Maya fixed me with a glare.

"Cmon. Name the baby. I'm letting you. Unless you want me to choose" She snapped. I thought for a moment. My mind seemed to be blank and then it came to me.

"Samantha. I'm naming her Samantha"

"Samantha it is"

The doctor ran some last minute tests on Samantha and me to make sure we both were alright. Then it was time to go home. Maya let me carry Samantha into the lobby, which had Tiana rushing over immediately. She demanded to know the name and I happily told her. Mara and Maya talked for a bit and we all went to the car to leave. Maya gave me a bottle to feed Samantha with while Tiana droned on about baby clothes, the baby's room, etc.

I was surprised when we passed the hotel. Maya saw my confused look in the rear view mirror and explained that we were going home. Mara and Tiana had packed all of our stuff up.
My heart sank when I realized Zach was gone. Sold. I'd likely never see him again.

When we arrived home Krystal rushed outside to greet me, along with Daniel. Amber stood behind him, a golden necklace around her neck. She hugged me, then asked to hold the baby. I let her. Mason gave me a side hug, him also wearing a gold necklace. Ellie walked out of the house slowly, coming up to me and giving me a hug. I hadn't seen much of her when I had last been here with Sage, but I could tell she was still devastated and gave her a hug.

"Don't worry. She's free. Maybe she'll come back for us" I said, hoping it would comfort her. Instead I briefly saw a tear slide down her face before she hastily wiped it away. The owners were moving into the house, their pets falling in behind. I fell in with Amber and Tiana, with Ellie keeping up the rear.

Maybe it isn't so bad here.

(Time Skip)

The party was pretty fun. The Owners were the only ones who drank though. Maya stabbed me with a Don't you dare glare as I reached for a glass. I didn't dare pick it up, instead opting to get up and get water. Krystal put Samantha in her crib, which was set up in Maya's room. Our room.

Our room.

I was happy. Surrounded by happy friends. A baby. But something still bothered me. It seemed like Maya would never trust me. My collar remained a reminder that was still her pet. Her plaything. She didn't trust me.

I snapped out of my daze to Maya standing over me. She pulled me to my feet then dragged me behind her down the hall until we arrived at the familiar door I knew all too well. 

"Ready for some fun Pet?" She asked. I blushed. Then nodded. She kissed me then opened the door, pulling me into the room. I happily went with her.

She loves me. And I love her.

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