Chapter Seventeen

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Sky's POV:

Maya put me in her lap and forced me to watch while she gently rubbed my back. Sage so far hadn't answered Krystal correctly, and she had been whipped who knows how many times. I felt bad. I squirmed in Maya's lap so she could let me go, but instead she tightened her grip.

"What are you doing? Stay still!" She snapped. The heat sensation was fading gradually, but Maya caressing my skin felt oddly good.

"No. Mistress may I help her please?" I pleaded. Krystal raised an eyebrow at me, then Maya.

"What could be the harm, I don't want to whip her unconscious" She said. Sage's fearful eyes met mine as I slid off of Maya's lap and knelt down in front of her.

"Are you hungry?. I—" She cut me off.

"Who are you? Who are THEY? Where am I! I want to go home!" She shrieked. Maya laughed.

"Listen. Your new name is Sage. You aren't Madison anymore. You must learn your new name and you must respond to it. Are you hungry? They'll give you food if you obey" I made my voice soft and low. Her green eyes were filled with pain.

" name isn—" This time I cut her off.

"Be smart! Just accept that your new name is Sage. You'll have better clothes, food, possibly a bed to sleep on. They're nice if you do what they want. My name is Sky, and that's my Mistress" I pointed to Maya. She gave Sage a smile, who in turn hastily focused her gaze back on me.

"Who's...who's the one behind you?" She asked. I quickly began to rub her thigh and she winced in response. I quickly stopped. I turned to look up at Krystal, who was still holding the whip.

"That's..That's your Mistress. You have to call her Mistress. She's your owner and must be respected. If you don't respect her you get punished by shocks or whatever mean they choose. Be a good girl and you don't have to worry about punishment" I explained. Sage looked at me warily. Then at the other girl, Elle. Then back to me.

"What do I have to do.." She whispered. I raked my brain. I could tell both owners were getting impatient. Krystal looked eager to go back to her own method.

"All you have to say is. Mistress my name is Sage. Then I'm sure she'll get you something to eat. And she'll stop hurting you" I said softly. Disgust took over her features.

"There is no way I'm saying that!" She hissed at me. "Why should I give in? She can't keep this up forever"

Yeah, but then she'll end up doing something worse

"Just do it. Or she'll beat you into submission. One way or another she's going to get what she wants, mine is just the less painful way. Don't worry, they beat me too. But I accepted quickly and only got about 1-3 scaring wounds" I tried to reason.

It wasn't a complete lie. The first two days after I woke up she demanded I answer only to Sky or "Pet". I of course refused and she whipped me. Hard. I gave in pretty quickly since she had a major swing.

Sage looked at me with sadness in her eyes. I knew she wanted to be anywhere but here.

I'm sorry. I hope you don't end up like Jade did. It's not the way

Maya called me back over to her and I reluctantly obeyed. She sat me next to her and patted my head.

"Good Girl. If she doesn't listen that's her own fault" She said. I nodded. Sage looked extremely scared as Krystal approached her with a whip again.

"What's your name Pet?" She asked for the 5th time it seems. This time Sage ducks her head.

"My Sage. Mistress." She stumbled. Krystal smirked and gripped her chin hard, forcing her to meet her gaze.

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