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Welcome to the Bound and Broken Book 1 Fun Facts. Nearly two months late since the last chapter but who the hell cares. Let's just get into it. By the way, Disclaimer this has spoilers. So don't read until you finished the book. It doesn't have too many though.

1. Originally, I was planning on Sky committing suicide but decided in the end that the story wouldn't be able to continue much without her so instead it was Jade

2. The Girl from the first chapter was supposed to run into Sky somewhere, but I completely forgot about her and it never happened

3. Originally Sky was supposed to have a Miscarriage and have Maya blame her for it, but I thought that was way too cruel.

4. Originally I had planned for Maya to live with her Parents for a bit while training Sky but decided to have it set where she had already moved into a house she herself owns

5. Originally Sky was going to form a relationship with Sage and both would escape together but I decided on only Sage escaping instead.

6. Maya is definitely a Sadist

7. Out of 7, Sky is the 5th pet to not be a masochist. Only two were.

8. For all of the 7 total pets, Maya used one single shop that used a warehouse since it was the largest. I haven't given it a name simply because it basically never shows up in this book

9. Originally while pregnant I was going to have Sky kill Maya but, I was also at the time planning on what to do for the second book so I trashed that idea and changed it to the one it is now

That's it. 9 "Fun" Facts about the first book of the Bound and Broken series. I'll be doing the same with the second book soon.

Thanks for reading! 💕

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