Chapter 8

444 18 2

Re-checked: Sunday, January 28, 2024
Edited: January 28, 2024


// hello everyone! It's me again :D sorry if the update took so long 🥲 I decided to focus on my studies that's why I disappeared for a long time 😭 anyways thank you for your support and enjoy reading!!

Third Person's POV

As soon as the girl leave Hoseok's body and Namjoon's lifeless body, she continues to search for the other members who are now scared and paranoid for their life. All they ever wanted was a nice trip and make new memories with each other, but it seems that fate won't let them.

While walking, the demon walks upstairs while humming as if she didn't killed anyone. A smile formed on her mouth as her eyes wandered around the second floor. She stopped right in the middle of the hallway to check her surroundings and starts to focused on the atmosphere as if she's taking a deep observations. This demon doesn't have any mercy. She want blood and hear their screams of agony. She is truly a monster.

"Where are you~?" She sang as she looked around, her eyes showed lust for blood. However, as minutes passed by, she's getting annoyed. She already wants to kill someone-- one of them . She was hungry for blood and was craving for it. And the demon will make sure that no one gets alive.

On the other hand...

Jungkook is very scared and sweating very hard.  He is holding on for his dear life. 'I'm way too young for this... I-i can't let her take my life away and even my friend's life away.' He thought.

"I need to get out of this freaking place. This is hell. " Jungkook whispered softly as his eyes wandered around the room. He then, slowly and quietly exposed himself to the room and left his hiding place for good. He tip-toed and went to the front door quietly only for his eyes to widen once he reached the front door. He covered his mouth with his one hand as he stared down with terror in his eyes. 

He found Namjoon's body and Hoseok's body. Lifeless. 

His heart is pounding as tears slowly formed in his eyes. He felt his child sweat run through his face. His legs were shaky as he walked towards to his beloved hyungs.

"Namjoon Hyung...? Hoseok Hyung...?" He called out to them softly as he kneeled down on the floor and gently tap their shoulders. His tears finally rolled down on his cheeks as he felt sorrow and pain for the death of his friends. He remembered all of their memories together. 

He sniffles, " H-hey... wake up, Please don't leave us... T-this can't be..." Jungkook cried softly as he desperately tried to wake them up, hoping that they'll open their eyes and tell him that it was just a terrible prank. He stayed there for a few minutes only for him to stop when he felt that someone is watching him. He get the chills. and there, he stands up and look around but no one is there. While taking a brief observation to his surroundings, he heard footsteps on the stairs. It was coming down. 

He quickly go to the kitchen and grab a knife. He swore to his life that he will take revenge for his friends. He carefully sneak through only to bites his lips when he saw the demon licking the blood off from Namjoon's hand. Jungkook felt nothing but disgust and anger. She glared sharply at the demon while remaining silent.

The demon stopped when she felt another presence. It seems like she felt Jungkook being in the same room with her.

"Someone is here" She smirk. Jungkook quickly go back and hide behind the wall, Jungkook's  heart starts to pound once again as he gripped tightly on the knife.

Slowly, he took another peak but to his surprise, the girl is gone. He was about to get out of his hiding spot only to froze when he felt a cold and sharp object stabbed him from behind. 

"Acting tough? too bad." The demon grinned and then laughed. her hand turns into a sharp knife as she stabbed Jungkook deeper and twitched her hand slightly causing for Jungkook to let out a loud scream. His coughed blood as his mind went black for a second. she slowly leans to his ears and whisper, "Do you think you can save them? You're useless." She giggled before she took out her hand.

Jungkook spit out some blood and put his one hand on his injury before he turned around and glared at the demon. Despite feeling weak, he stand up and throw the knife at the demon only for it to stop in the air and switch side. 

"You're so naive.." She growled and used her power to throw the knife at Jungkook. 

The male widened his eyes as he felt the sharp knife went through his heart. His visions get blurry as he coughed more blood. Slowly, he dropped to the floor and still attempt to stay conscious. He coughed again as memories flashed into his mind. 

[ Jungkook's Memory]

"Sweetheart, no matter what happen, always protect yourself from others. especially your friends." A loving tone said as the woman gently stroke his hair. 

"But mommy, I don't have any friends... and.. I don't know how it feels like to have one." Jungkook said and pout as he squeezed his bunny plushie.

His mother laughed softly and cupped his cheeks. "Maybe not right now... But soon, you will have them." She smiled. "They will be your second home. Your new family. Your shoulders when you want to cry. and everything. When the time is right, they will come." She said and kissed his forehead.

- End of the flashback -

Jungkook smiled weakly as he coughed blood one more time as he whimpered softly.

"A-ah... my family.." he chuckled weakly and closed his eyes. 

"M-my.. home.." He whispered softly before he took his  final breath. 

"3 down, 4 to go." The demon laughed maniacally as she dragged Jungkook's body towards to the other bodies and throw it on the top of theirs. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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