Leprechaun x femreader

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You loved fairytales and mythical beings also the twisted legends as well as the pretty and happy ones. Your older sister Bridget wasn't much of a child at heart at least you worked and didn't have mommy and daddy doing everything for you only when you truly needed their help you'd ask. Currently you were at home talking with your sister her and Cody had another fight "go fucking figure" you thought you wished she'd stop going back to him this is the 11th time in almost three months. She was crying and felt bad AGAIN and saying it's not him it's her also again and suddenly there was a knock at the door you peeked through the curtains and saw Cody...great... Bridget got up and opened it and began talking to him you made your way up to your room to give romeo and juliet some alone time. You were glad she was out of your hair for now you decided to proceed with a painting of yours recently you and the family traveled to Ireland to learn more about your families heritage and visit family you still had there. You were painting a beautiful field view with the Irish Mythical creatures and Legends hidden in some spots you adored the legend of leprechauns the mischievous personality, the sneaky ability, and causing illusions.

Enjoying your painting session you heard a loud scream which could only be Bridget you lept off your chair and rushed downstairs Bridget was gone and Cody passed out on your kitchen floor. You ran to him knelt down and tried to shake him awake "Cody!? Cody! Wake your ass up!" He groaned and managed to sit up "Cody?! Where is Bridget!?" "Th-the Leprechaun took her!" Your concerned look left and became sarcastic "a Leprechaun? They don't exist Cody...where did she really go?". Cody sighed "I'm serious! That's what happened!" Suddenly a third voice became known "Leprechauns don't exist? Then Lass what am i?" You and Cody turned around "holy shit...they do exist...Cody they exist!". "Oh so ye did believe in my kind?" You nodded with a small smile "mythical creatures are what i live for mister...?" "Lubdan...me name is Lubdan and yours lass?" Cody sat there shocked as Lubdan stepped closer "Y/N" he smiled "that be a very Irish name...ye be a lot sweeter like honey than your sister" you two shook hands. You giggled "i do get that alot actually....But not as poetically" he smiled again then Cody out of nowhere hits your new friend over the head with a vase "Y/N we need to find your sister...we need to leave now" Cody grabbed your shoulder you shrugged him off. "Hell no he can have her! Bridget has been horrible to me since we were kids! Never once has she been nice to me! She's a bitch Cody!" "Y/N she's your sister! You gotta have some ounce of love for her let's go" he grips your arm and begins to pull you away "h-hey let go!" He gets you outside.

"Look i know you two hate each other but all i ask is for you to help me" you sigh "Cody in all honesty you can do so much better than that emotional, selfish, arrogant blonde that is somehow my sister i guess... I'll help but don't say i didn't warn you". He sighs "thank you come on i know where the hideout is of that fucker" you nod and follow him as you two quickly walk to this large tree Cody says something in Celtic and the tree suddenly has an entrance. "This place is like a maze the halls c-can change Y/N be careful" you get an idea "we should each go down one of these two halls maybe we'll find her easier that way" Cody nods "I'll go left you go right Cody" he nods and leaves down the right. You've been wandering for a few minutes now you suddenly trip over something and collide with the dirt floor "fucking hell" you look and see a root of the tree arching a bit over the ground "ye okay Lass?" You smile slightly "Lubdan?! You are okay!" You sit up and look at the Leprechaun. "Aye that glass hurt something awful but i am dandy since i found you otherwise... trying to find your sister?" You blush and sigh "helping her idiot "boyfriend" find her in all honesty i want them dead i hate dealing with their shit 24/7".

He nods "well how about i give ye the opportunity Y/N dear? Only if you agree to be my bride will i give you the satisfaction of killing those two" you thought for a moment...never having to deal with your sister or Cody, having a friend, never dealing with people ever again. He could tell you are hesitant "o-or just be my friend Lass f-forever... I've never met anyone as kind as you" you smile "I'll gladly be your friend forever Lubdan....but maybe your bride later on..." He blushes. You smiled and stood up "so where's my dear sister?" He gestures for you to follow and that you do he suddenly disappears you see your sister chained to a bed post "Y/N! Oh please help me! We need to get out of here before he comes back!" You nod and look around for something to pick the lock on the chains "aha!" You found an old fashioned berret all gold and green then a sharp thin knitting needle also golden from within a chest of treasure. You went to your panicking sister acted like you were picking the lock till you jabbed the knitting needle into her throat she screamed but it became a gurgling sound shortly then she went limp. You stepped away just before Cody walked in "Y/N? What happened?!" Pretending to be concerned you said "i-i don't know i just walked in a-and saw this!" Gesturing to Bridget. As Cody  moves to grief you grab the other knitting needle from the chest and quickly but quietly stabbed Cody the same way you did Bridget you let his limp body fall to the floor.

"Dreams do come true Y/N...they really do" you looked around the room "Lubdan? Where are you?" You sigh "maybe he wants me to get lost and eventually die down here?" "Excuse you i would never wish such a thing Lass!" You whip around to see Lubdan. You giggle "sorry...i was joking though..." You yawn and sit on the floor "tired lass?" Lubdan asked a little worried you nod yes as you rub your eyes "well rest my dear i shall be here when you awaken" you nod again and pass out. He figured you wouldn't want to rest on the floor so using his magic he took you to another room and layed you down on a human sized bed with loads of pillows and blankets. He carefully climbed up next to you and stroked your hair you made him feel happy warm and fuzzy too he actually gave a genuine smile you looked so peaceful he kissed your forehead "I won't let anyone harm you my dear...i swear it I'll always protect you....".

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