Valentine's Day(ish) Special! Victoria x Pinhead

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(Requested by bloodyzombiekiller01)

Victoria wasn't into Valentine's Day like at all and neither was The Lead Cennobite Pinhead but he figured now was his chance to ask her out never had he gotten so anxiety endused over a female before. She was stubborn and can see directly through people and she'd be all over the lovey shit if someone was more like her hence Dickhead!...i mean Pinhead! She headed down to the kitchen and Tiffany and Samara were baking as she instantly went to the garbage can to toss another love note from Pinhead. "He left another one?" Tiffany asks shocked "yeah..." she replied rubbing her eyes "he ain't to bad lookin Vicky give em a chance" she says giving her a nudge. "Okay in a sense he's my Boss and Valentine's Day is a stupid corporate holiday to make humans feel loved once a year then heartbroken the next day" she complains Samara sighs "Victoria you should give him a chance, just one" she says calmly. "But why? He's the exact opposite of me...he probably thinks I'm fuckin crazy anyways..." Vic huffs in annoyance "actually he's more like you than you realize" Samara says sticking a tray of cookies in the oven. Victoria rolls her eyes and was about to say something "good morning Ladies" Pinhead says entering the kitchen "thanks for the supplies sweetface" Tiff says taking the bags from him and sighs as Vic left the kitchen. "In the bin again?" Pinhead asks knowingly "yea, try asking her to dance with you tonight that girl can't refuse to shake her stuff" Tiffany tells him he sighs "she honestly thinks i am a creep" he says with arm's crossed. "Trust me, she returns the feelings" Tiffany says knowingly "she does? And how do you know?" He asks her curious "well she may not keep a diary but it ain't hard to hear what she's sayin in her sleep" Tiffany says sticking a bowl in the sink.

He blushes a tad and walks upstairs to hopefully talk to Victoria he bites his lip and was about to knock "been expecting you" she called from the other side of the door. He stiffened then slowly opened her door "two minutes later than i expected but you're here" she says sitting up with her Ferrets resting on her chest. "So what's up?" She asks looking down at her fuzzy tubesocks. "Please would you accompany me to the party tonight?" He asks choosing words carefully she sighs "why? Why me when you can date any of the other girls you choose me?" He facepalms annoyed. "Because you are an incredible demon Victoria, you are so much more compared to the other women I'm around your personality your abilities are unlike any other Cennobite I've met but you are too stubborn to notice when someone loves you" he huffs before exiting leaving Vic a tad speechless. "He was serious?" She says to herself and starts to think maybe he is her match? There's no way he's always been such a stick in the mud when she was around fuck she shouldn't have been such a bitch towards him is what she told herself she felt guilty. But she was going to make it up to him tonight at the party (the Party was Tiffany's idea why? We don't know) SHE was going to ask HIM to dance clearly not the other way around at this point. So digging through her dresser began for a red dress of sorts that had a little black heart on the top it somewhat matched the theme didn't it? She had dresses more than any article of clothing nothing frilly more so sassy and sexy than anything. And it's her only red one you think it would be easier she was getting frustrated clearly "TheRyRy i will fuckin end you if you don't shut the hell up!" TheRyRy sighed at her insult and shut up.

Eventually succeeding Vic found her dark red dress and sighed in relief "finally, now where are my tights?" She questioned and another hour passed finding them in her vanity drawer. She began getting ready for the party she checked herself out in her tall mirror "not bad, not bad at all" she sighed "I can't believe he actually loves me he was always so cold towards me, but i guess that's how people hide how they feel..." She says to her reflection. "For once i truly feel the need to apologize to him...well anyone for that matter" Then there was a knock at the door "hun can you help the boys set up?, All this food and nowhere to put it" Tiff laughs "sure Tiff be down shortly" "kay babe" Tiffany says before heading back downstairs. "I need to do this" she says before walking downstairs pretty much barefoot because fuck shoes was her logic most of the time she hops downstairs "alright what can i do?" She calls from the hall. "Help pull out tables?" Freddy asks as she enters the room "hey Fred" they high five "sup" he replies "help me grab this one" he says getting ready to lift "got it" she says gripping it. "Nice dress, for Pinhead?" She sighs "yes, i didn't think we was serious about liking me since i am more like you" she replies "that's already a bad combo with your personality" Freddy jokes "Fuck you jackass" "love you too sweetheart" he jokes again "hang on I'll get the door!" Penny says rushing to hold open the back door. "Thanks Penny" you say hauling out the main table "not a problem Vic" he replies heading back inside with Jason "you know Jason wants to propose to Samara?" He whispers to you "really? That would be so great for the both of them"Vic replies "i know i think he was planning on doin it tonight" Freddy tells her. "Good, the big guy should" she tells him "alright anything else?" She asked Freddy "huh, no more tables help the ladies and Pinhead bring out the food?" He suggests she shrugs "alright" she started to head back inside and was about to pass Tiff "oh Vicky! Can you take this?" She asks holding a big bowl "sure no prob" Vic replies as Tiffany runs back inside.

Vic goes and sets it on one of the tables with the rest of the food as well when Pinhead is setting something down "Victoria..." He says flatly she sighs putting her hand over his "Pinhead I'm sorry, no one has ever been serious about loving me the way you do and i assumed it was you seeking to get laid" she tells him. "I'm willing to try this timebomb if you are" she says before leaving him at the table "Victoria wait!" He yells going after her everyone in the yard subtly watching "and you are serious about this?" He asks her. "Yes i have been in love with you for I don't know how long anymore, ever since we met my fucking heart started to beat again" she tells him Pinhead chuckles a lightly "such a foul mouth for a pretty lady" she rolls her eyes "save the seducing for the bedroom Pinhead, will you go out with me?" She asks. "Yes, gladly i will" he says taking her hand "come on lets finished hauling stuff out here" he says walking back inside with her. A bit later DJ Kayako was getting music set up Pennywise pulled Pinhead aside for shots and the girls pulled Victoria to the dancefloor with heels on this time a pair of black pumps. The party was going on great the food was to drool over, Chucky having mad the majority of it Victoria would totally hire him as her personal chef Pinheads baking was a very close second.

But before Kayako was about to switch the music to a few slow songs Jason had an announcement he had Samara look to a screen behind the DJ booth and it read Samara Morgan, ever since we met I've loved you and i hope it's the same for you will you marry me? Jason then got on one knee holding out the little box Samara squealed and "tackled" Jason into the grass. Everyone clapped and cheered then the music got changed Victoria looked around for Pinhead as everyone began pairing up to slow dance then felt a tap on her shoulder. She whips around and smiles slightly "may i have this dance?" He asks holding out his hand "fuck yea you can" she replies sweetly as he pulls her into him. "I can't believe you said yes..." She giggles "well why wouldn't i?" He teases "because i thought you thought i was fuckin nuts..." She mutters "oh i do" he says making her pull away slightly glaring up at him "but i love it" he says with a soft smile. She stands on her tip toes and kisses his cheek "good, cause you have to suffer with me now..." He chuckles "oh please your personality is nothing compared to what i could do PHYSICALLY to you..." He whispers. She almost chokes on her own spit "that a challenge dickhead?" She teases. "Meh, it won't be a challenge with you" she sighs "fuck you, just let me enjoy this dance" she says laying her head on his chest "so does this mean you'll be my Valentine?" Pinhead asks "ehh maybe..." She replies making him chuckle "i love you too Victoria".

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