Mayor Buckman x Wife Reader

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(Requested by WifeOfHoseaMatthews)

He wasn't about to let you go when you and your friends followed that detour sign it was bad news but your friends told you that you worried too much. And look at where it got them killed, cooked, and eaten all except you George couldn't let that happen to the beautiful girl he had fallen for among the group of four girls. George Buckman and Y/N did have a lot in common just about life in general hence why she hung around him when they got settled in Pleasant Valley for a night is what Y/N and her friends thought one by one they were hunted except her. George proposed a deal if Y/N was to become his and become one of them as well she'd be allowed to live for some reason after the one kiss she shared with Buckman she had begun to feel funny and not herself. And Y/N's best friend was still alive for Y/N to kill her at the Guts and Glory Jubilee she refused she couldn't do it until George gave her a soft look and she suddenly couldn't control herself or speak for herself and when she came to her senses her best friend was dead. But she cowered close to him and he told her it was alright and she was bound to die and that there wasn't anything to be afraid of and that you were okay. You had a hard time believing what you just did Buckman told you it was a dark blood lust that took over you had told Buckman that you and your "best" friend had gotten into a huge fight you were only trying to help her and keep her safe then the next day she acted as if nothing happened. So it's been a few years and you were probably concluded to be dead rather than missing, you didn't really talk to anyone other than George and occasionally his son Rufus who thought it was wrong what his Dad did to you. Rufus and his younger brother's mom died four years before you arrived a survivor like you killed her while escaping Buckman was heartbroken until you.

Well you didn't entirely have a choice that wouldn't get you killed but he has treated you quite nicely for being his captive wife. But, it still of course triggered the shit out of you that possibly he made you kill your friend he also has had some of the stronger men of the town patrolling the borders of Pleasant Valley making sure you don't escape he knows you won't run away from him. "Evenin darlin" he says gently and lovingly as he enters the living room you ignore him which this was a first and go back to your sketching he sighs stepping closer to the sofa. "Are you upset with me?" He asks resting his arms across the back of the sofa you stay quiet then he decides to trace two fingers along your shoulder and up your neck. "You are upset with me..." He whispers close to your ear "just leave me alone George, please" you say laying your back against the arm of the sofa and putting your feet up resting your sketchbook on your raise legs. "Hmm..." He says resting his chin on his arms "I could make it up to you if you asked me too..." He says cutely you sigh "i just want to be alone tonight..." You tell him still drawing. "Tomorrow's the day before the Jubilee my dear, I hope you'll join me and welcome the guests that arrive?" he asks adjusting himself to grasp your chin and make you look up at him you give a quiet gasp in fear your were going to get hurt. "Do i at least get a kiss?" He asks you hesitantly nod allowing him to plant his lips on yours but before he could pull away you pulled him closer by his jacket collar. He doesn't protest this at all but once it clicked what you were doing you pulled away and avoided eye contact with George "now there is no shame it what you did, why'd you pull away?" He asks "just leave me alone George" you huff curling into a ball on the sofa. You quickly glare up at him with your eyes turning black before he could speak again "leave. Me. Alone." You growl as he chuckles "I gave you your powers and one thing you can't do is use them on me" he says smoothly. You look away in shame "stupid powers, what use are they if I can't get you to go away..." You mutter he smiles slightly "well you know you liked me when you first arrived..." He says walking around to sit beside you. "You know you don't want me to go away" he says taking your hand you look away from him and retract your hand "don't be so cold" he says cutely "don't make me kill my friends then..." you reply dryly.

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