One Surprise After Another

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Darkness. I can feel my body hit the ground with a large thud. Then i can hear 2 voices. And hands shaking me. Trying to wake me up. But i cant.

Ever since I came here, my mind doesn't seem to cooperate with my body, especially when I'm unconscious. Then something strange happened i could feel my soul or is it my spirit? well whatever it is i could feel it tearing away from my body. At first it was losing my senses i could feel Derek and Brandon's shaking me any-more, then i couldn't hear there voices calling out to me, they were sounding like they were getting further and further away until i was far away. It took me to a place of Darkness. Am I dying? I thought to myself.  I hate the fact that i couldn't open my eyes,then i seen way more than i wanted to.

I could see my body being picked up and being taken to the infirmary that's here. I can hear the foot steps of the doctors stomping against the ground. Rushing me in to intensive care. They took off my clothes and put me in a hospital gown that has blue and white dots and a big white square in the middle of the gown that can be lifted up to have excess to my chest, Probably if they needed to operate.

Thank god I didn't feel all the needles going into my arm. After they gave me basically the entire pharmacy into my system, the gave me a MRI. For you who don't know and MRI is a big white machine, that has little table like a small bed more like, that you lay on, and go through this big scanner, that scans your brain and body for any inconsistency's.

After the MRI was done, they took me back to my room and put me down on the bed, hooked me up to an IV and a oxygen mask. Then they went out to talk to Brandon, and Derek i followed them, the spirit me not physical me.

Anyway so i followed them only to hear more bad news.

"She is in a coma." Was the doctors exact words.

His Name was doctor Jase Hamby, he was tall 6'1, dark brown hair and eyes. I started to wonder if her figured out if I'm the prophecy. Does he know? would he tell Derek and Brandon? Or just run off to Julian? If Julian is alive. Or would he keep to himself? Maybe he doesn't even know.

"How long should she be out for?" Derek asks in a shaky voice. Brandon looks like he might pass out or cry at any moment.

"We don't exactly know, her MRI scan came back, perfectly normal." The doctor says calmly. A little to calmly for Derek's liking.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING ISN'T NORMAL!!" Derek yells pointing at my Physical body. I have never seen him this mad before.

"Well I can see that, well do more tests but there's not much we can do. As for her powers since she is in a coma, whatever powers she had wont work until she awakens. There is a possiblity that they could be gone forever." He says and my mouth drops. Gone? Forever? I wont be able to beat Edgar. Edgar will win and destroy everything.  I can still hear the doctor talking but i dont want to listen but then i hear him say  "When she will wake up it could be a few hours or Few years." The doctor says looking down, avoiding Derek's hateful glare.

Did he just say years? How could that be? Will i ever wake up? 

I could feel my spirit body weakening. Maybe my physical body is waking up! Then i couldn't see or hear anything for a brief moment. Then my spirit body was looking at Derek in a chair next to my physical body. Holding my hand. Rubbing mine with his thumb.

"Wake up Kayla....Please." He puts his head on our in-twined fingers and starts to cry. I started to cry to. I reached out to him i put my hand on his shoulder but he couldn't feel it. Which made me cry harder. then everything stated to fade.

I was sucked back into darkness again. How many times will this happen? Is it a sign I'm waking up? Or is it a sign ill never wake up? Or that my powers are fading? Or are they already gone? 

Then light finally I could see Brandon adjusting my bed so i could be more comfortable. I could see he brought flowers. Red roses. How did he know they were my favorite? I don't how he knew but it makes me smile. But my smile fades when i reach out to touch them and i feel nothing. All i can do is hear and watch. Well just hears because once again the darkness takes over and i don't fight this time i let it. Maybe i should let go as well. 

Then i see another light but this one is brighter, then i realize its shining down on me, burning my eyes. Then i realize i can feel it. I couldn't feel before. Does that mean.....

I gasp and sit up. I'm on the hospital bed in this hideous gown. I could feel the IV in my arm, suddenly i wished i was back in my coma. I tilted my head tot eh side and saw Brandon. Looking at me wide-eyed.

"Brandon." I say, my voice raspy.

"Hey" He holds my hand "How are you feeling?"

"OK, considering,  god this has been one stressful day huh?' Brandon's body goes rigid.

"Its been longer than a day Kayla." He says like its obvious.

" A week?" My voice sounds desperate.

"Kayla.......You've been a coma for a year."

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